Warming seas bring Indonesia’s fishermen deadly storms, empty nets

‘World at 1.5C’: As warming oceans and extreme weather make fishing more dangerous and less profitable, many families in the Southeast Asian country are turning their backs on the sea.

The number of fishermen working in Indonesia has dropped by more than 10 per cent in the past decade. Image: Jorge Franganillo, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Flickr.

Susanto looked at his catch after four hours of fishing – only four mullet – and shook his head in dismay.

Usually on an August afternoon he would be on a fishing boat off the Indonesian coast, catching mullet, skipjack tuna and other fish to support his family.

But this year, fierce storms and high waves have often made it too dangerous for fishing boats to leave the shore.

Instead, he is fishing off the harbour in Karanggeneng, a village in Central Java province, using a fish trap made from a large plastic bottle and a piece of string, with flour as bait.

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