Thailand News

Civil society groups express concern over the draft declaration’s failure to adequately acknowledge “Indigenous peoples”, among other shortcomings.
Bursa carbon forum
Regulation is a crucial factor that investors consider before funding carbon projects, experts said at a recent event in Malaysia. Developers argue that the system does not need to be perfect to kickstart projects.
Malaysia carbon market association
The private sector initiative is taking shape as Malaysia's government prepares to revise its Nationally Determined Contributions. Members include national oil company Petronas, as well as timber and palm oil firms.
Backers say change is needed to save fishers’ incomes, critics fear overhaul will undermine environmental recovery and progress on human rights.
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Thailand Opinion

Farmer working on a rice field in Bali, Indonesia.
The expected advent of the La Niña might portend a double-edged sword for affected regions.
sand mining on the Mekong
The rampant activity reduces freshwater supply in turn affecting crop output, drinking water and the general ecosystem.
While rainfall is important, how it is collected, stored and distributed is crucial to dealing with the region’s increasingly drier spells.
Indonesia coal mine
Energy systems that rely on coal are not inherently secure as commodity market fluctuations can challenge affordability, while tripling solar and wind capacity in Asean would only negligibly impact system operations.
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Thailand Videos

renewables race video
Southeast Asian nations are racing to bring clean, affordable power to their people, but one country is outrunning them all. How can states make their renewable energy transition a success?
thai union vid capture
Fishermen are often cut off from land for weeks out at sea. But a new technology enables them to be connected with loved ones, while boosting the traceability of their catch.
coffee farmer Somsak Sriphumthong
Watch this charming video of how Thai farmer Somsak Sriphumthong got rid of a destructive opium field and helped curb deforestation and downstream flooding with his organic and sustainable coffee farm.
hydrogen powered homes
A Thai firm has built the country's first homes that runs on solar power for 24 hours a day, using a hybrid of solar PV panels and fuel cells.
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Thailand Podcasts

Crops growing in a field
EB Studio Dexter Huerto Jr of engineering firm Danfoss tells the Eco-Business Podcast how food supply chains have been affected by a pandemic and conflict, and how they can be fixed.
Ice caps and a warming planet
"We have a choice about the speed of sea-level rise." The Eco-Business Podcast talks to climate scientist Professor Ben Horton about how close the world is to reaching crucial climate tipping points, and what can be done to stop runaway climate change.
Coal power plant Laos 2021
Laos has announced the construction of two new coal plants for this year, despite growing evidence that coal power comes with significant financial risk. What is holding back the country from tapping its rich clean energy resources instead?
The billion-dollar Gardens by the Bay project is built on 101 hectares of land in Marina Bay, the heart of Singapore's Central Business District.
Climate change is causing sea levels to rise at an alarming rate, and nowhere is more at risk than archipelagic Southeast Asia. Climate scientist Professor Benjamin Horton of the Earth Observatory of Singapore tells the Eco-Business Podcast about the risks of rising waters and what can be done to address the problem.
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