Manufacturing News

China’s Third Plenum, an important five-yearly meeting traditionally associated with major economic reforms, concluded on 18 July in Beijing.
Indian regulatory codes are largely advisory when it comes to dealing with heat, ignoring humidity altogether, placing millions in danger during heatwaves and monsoons.
For the first time in history, we now farm more seafood than we catch from the wild. At the same time, overfishing of wild fish stocks continues to increase, and the number of sustainably fished stocks declines.
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Manufacturing Opinion

wheat field
Yields of the country’s second most important food staple have declined significantly in the past two years.
Salad bowl
The global food system is responsible for about 30 per cent of annual greenhouse gas emissions.
For Southeast Asia, it need not be a binary choice between maintaining status quo or pushing for 'degrowth'. Reducing emissions without neglecting job growth imposes lower social costs, and can be a pathway to take for the region.
yellow vests
If the EU is to achieve its 2030 and 2050 climate goals, it must act now to ensure that it can weather the inevitable political headwinds. A new green social contract and industrial policy can make all the difference.
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Manufacturing Videos

solar gili air id
Southeast Asia's largest energy consumer has been slow to transition to renewables, but recent policies point to greater expansion of the country's solar, tidal and geothermal energy production.
Daughter Riri Damayanti (left) and her father Syamsul Bahri (right) are colleagues at a palm oil company in South Sumatra.
EB Studio What has been the effect of this agribusiness company's dual-income policy on the households of its Indonesian workers?
A freezer running on electricity generated by an off-grid solar system
EB Studio In line with the Sustainable Development Goals' aim to eradicate poverty, a Japanese multinational electronics firm is providing power supply stations, solar storage and products to countries with little or no access to electricity.
Greenpeace ad used by Iceland in the United Kingdom has been banned for being political.
The ad, which was made by Greenpeace and rebadged by Iceland, was blocked from airing on television by the UK's ad watchdog because it broke rules on political advertising. Iceland says it is not anti-palm oil, 'we are anti-deforestation.'
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Manufacturing Podcasts

WEF China
The World Economic Forum – best known for its Annual Meeting in Davos since 1971 – has been a dynamic platform bringing together the best in business, politics and society to shape global industry agendas. How is WEF helping to shape China’s economic goals alongside its environmental and societal priorities?
How to fix plastic recycling
Recycling keeps some plastic out of waterways, but it is no silver bullet for ocean pollution. Ryan Schoenike of OceanCycle tells Eco-Business how recycled plastic certification works, and how his firm is faring in a sector rocked by Covid.
A dairy cow in the United States
Methane emissions, deforestation, water pollution, antibiotics overuse, animal welfare — the dairy industry faces a farmyard of sustainability issues. Eco-Business asked United States Dairy Export Council's Karen Scanlon how dairy farms can lighten their environmental impact.
Will Asia dine on plant-based eggs?
A Singapore-based firm has just hatched a new plant-based egg product. The company's founder, Vinita Choolani, tells the Eco-Business Podcast why plant-based eggs will soon be a popular addition to nasi lemak and fried noodles dishes all over the region.
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