#reporting News

Anti-corruption rally in KL - January 2025
This marks a shift from the steady progress made by the region's top listed firms in integrity disclosures since 2020, as focus turns from governance towards climate reporting. Thailand retains its lead, followed by Malaysia and Singapore.
A record surge of clean energy kept China’s carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions below the previous year’s levels in the last 10 months of 2024.
The country should approach gas-fired power development with caution, write the authors of a new report from the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis.
Jiangsu power plant
As the planet’s number one emitter, there are hopes that renewed policies and reporting guidelines will pave the way for China to peak carbon emissions by 2030. While 2025 signals greener progress ahead, experts say the need to balance energy security interests, however, may see fossil fuels firmly in the grid for longer.
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#reporting Opinion

A handful of fashion brands – H&M, Ralph Lauren, Decathlon and Adidas – are working to stop using coal to power their factories in 2025, while others are prioritising decarbonisation at lower levels of ambition.
Youth activists demand a global ban on solar geoengineering, warning it’s a dangerous distraction from real climate solutions and a generational betrayal.
Instead of backtracking on net zero, companies are retracting unsubstantiated carbon neutrality claims – a positive development.
Better airshed management can tackle Delhi’s persistent air pollution.
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#reporting Videos

GRI video screen grab
The new GRI Standards by the Global Reporting Initiative moves from merely recommending what to report to identifying exactly what businesses and investors are required to publicly disclose on their impacts.
eb video simple
Want to know more about sustainability reporting, but don't know where to begin? Eco-Business and simpleshow have produced an easy-to-understand clip that explains it all in less than three minutes.
prosperity rbf
The Responsible Business Forum on Sustainable Development will be held for the third year in Singapore, where delegates will address why redefining prosperity to include economic, social and natural systems is necessary for sustainable growth
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#reporting Podcasts

CDP CEO EB Podcast Logo
The climate non-profit's head Sherry Madera insists there are just 450 questions, not over 5,500 as some industry players have cited, in its new questionnaire, which has faced pushback for failing to ease disclosure burden as intended.
Cantilan Bank aftermath of Rai_EB podcast logo
The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas assistant governor tells the Eco-Business Podcast about the regulator’s maiden sustainability report that features an empirical study of climate impacts on banks as well as the nation’s first taxonomy.
Blackrock podcast
Exclusive The world's largest asset manager says it has put sustainability at the core of its investment approach. Eco-Business speaks to Shinbo Won, BlackRock's investment stewardship director in Singapore about what this means for investors, and how companies are responding to increased ESG pressure.
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