Europe News

Mukhatar Babayev letter
United Nations climate summit president Mukhtar Babayev highlights the new climate finance target as top priority for the November talks. Will Azerbaijan be able to get the dealmakers, including China, to agree on a price to pay to help developing countries adapt to climate change?
China’s Third Plenum, an important five-yearly meeting traditionally associated with major economic reforms, concluded on 18 July in Beijing.
Hundreds of scientists gathered in Oxford in June to discuss the many different ways of removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and the role it can play in tackling climate change.
Lacking protections, seasonal migrant labourers risk a 'cycle of exploitation' in the West, warns UN's special rapporteur on modern slavery.
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Europe Opinion

tuvalu citizens
International financial flows and mechanisms must be improved to support instead of burden climate adaptation and energy transition efforts of the world's most vulnerable countries.
Salad bowl
The global food system is responsible for about 30 per cent of annual greenhouse gas emissions.
yellow vests
If the EU is to achieve its 2030 and 2050 climate goals, it must act now to ensure that it can weather the inevitable political headwinds. A new green social contract and industrial policy can make all the difference.
Eco-Business Changing Course exhibition
Eco-Business has launched new subscription plans for our community. We invite you to support our independent journalism and thought leadership initiatives to forge a sustainable Asia and beyond.
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Europe Videos

father shows light to son
Diamonds aren't just for engagement rings and cutting tools—they can bring light to dark places.
Greenpeace ad used by Iceland in the United Kingdom has been banned for being political.
The ad, which was made by Greenpeace and rebadged by Iceland, was blocked from airing on television by the UK's ad watchdog because it broke rules on political advertising. Iceland says it is not anti-palm oil, 'we are anti-deforestation.'
screen capture our home DONG energy
DONG Energy’s shift to 100 per cent renewable energy marks another important step in the global transition away from fossil fuels.
Ban capture
Together it stands, divided it falls. EU, through its environment ministers, had agreed to ratify the Paris Agreement through a process that would enable individual countries to send their instruments of ratification directly to the UN.
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Europe Podcasts

EB podcast - Kerry alternative milk
EB Studio Plant-based milks have grown in popularity in recent years, driven by a combination of health, environmental and practical concerns. Nutritionists on the Eco-Business podcast, produced in association with Kerry, weigh the pros and cons of non-dairy milk.
Circular economy
EB Studio Clarissa Morawski from non-profit Reloop tells the Eco-Business podcast why the circular economy is key to the post-Covid recovery.
Can electronic dance music drive climate action?
When sweaty revellers are cutting shapes on the dance floor, can they be inspired to think about climate change? Dilo and Robin Perkins from DJs For Climate Action tell the Eco-Business Podcast how dance music can drive climate action.
Layman albatross
EB Studio Eco-Business talks to 'Aulani Wilhelm of Conservation International about why a plan to protect the ocean is critical, and why it might just work.
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leaf background pattern

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