Image: Creative Commons/Flickr/U.S. Agency for International Development
3. Good health and well-being

3. Good health and well-being

Many more people today are living healthier lives than in the past decade. Nevertheless, people are still suffering needlessly from preventable diseases, and too many are dying prematurely. Overcoming disease and ill health will require concerted and sustained efforts, focusing on population groups and regions that have been neglected.

Read our stories to learn more about SDG Goal 3: Good health and well-being

Image: Asian Development Bank
Image: Nena Terrell/U.S. Agency for International Development
Image: Philippedelavie/Pixabay

To adopt SDG 3 Good health and well-being, in support of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, please contact us at

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Indian regulatory codes are largely advisory when it comes to dealing with heat, ignoring humidity altogether, placing millions in danger during heatwaves and monsoons.
IFAD chief sounds alarm on global hunger saying millions could face food insecurity by 2030 without swift action.
As floods become more frequent, Bangladesh boosts warning systems and aid delivery but more needs to be done to mitigate risk.
Suntariya Muanpawong_Thai judge
Thailand is still used as a hub for wildlife trafficking networks, and Muanpawong tells Eco-Business that judicial innovation is needed to address the transboundary nature of wildlife trade. Putting the poor in prisons doesn't help, she says.
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Amazon workers near Delhi were dripping with sweat. The heat in their warehouse was oppressive, causing exhaustion and dizziness.
By making walkability a central component of how we design our cities, we can create vibrant, inclusive and environmentally sustainable urban landscapes.
United Nations Under-Secretary-General and AI expert Tshilidzi Marwala writes for Context ahead of the Bonn AI and Climate Expert Meeting.
Hajj pilgrims
The 2024 Hajj pilgrimage has been overshadowed by disaster and tragedy, with the death of at least 900 pilgrims, mostly due to heat exhaustion and related complications.
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Katherine Desbaillets, co-owner of SaladStop!
As Singapore-based salad bar chain SaladStop! marks its 10th anniversary, co-owner Katherine Desbaillets talks to Eco-Business about phasing out meat, food waste and single-use packaging, and dealing with customers who refuse to pay 10 cents for a plastic bag.
Daughter Riri Damayanti (left) and her father Syamsul Bahri (right) are colleagues at a palm oil company in South Sumatra.
EB Studio What has been the effect of this agribusiness company's dual-income policy on the households of its Indonesian workers?
migrant fishermen fishing southeast asia
On International Human Rights Day, Greenpeace releases shocking testimonies from Southeast Asian migrants working on board foreign fishing vessels, plying the remote waters to meet Asia's surging demand for seafood.
Harvesting the fruit of oil palms, as this man is doing in a plantation in Indonesia, is tiring and sometimes dangerous work
EB Studio Palm oil frequently makes headlines, but the faceless workers harvesting the fruit of the oil palm less so. What are the challenges of the job and how can their rights be safeguarded?
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Children fetching water in Maharashtra, India
EB Studio Already a serious issue facing Asia Pacific, water security will continue to worsen in lockstep with climate change in the region. This is what Xylem is trying to solve through its mission and corporate purpose, Chong Hin Koh tells the Eco-Business podcast.
EB Podcast climate insurance
Asia lags the world in natural catastrophe protection. Part of the problem could be counting extreme weather losses only after they happen, industry insiders tell the Eco-Business podcast.
EB podcast - Kerry alternative milk
EB Studio Plant-based milks have grown in popularity in recent years, driven by a combination of health, environmental and practical concerns. Nutritionists on the Eco-Business podcast, produced in association with Kerry, weigh the pros and cons of non-dairy milk.
Pretending to be an ESG guru while actually knowing little or nothing about environmental or social issues is known as competency greenwash
Former Monetary Authority of Singapore sustainability chief Darian McBain and recruiter Paddy Balfour tell the Eco-Business podcast why people are exaggerating their ESG expertise and why that's a problem in a key region for sustainable development.
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