#agriculture News

Indian regulatory codes are largely advisory when it comes to dealing with heat, ignoring humidity altogether, placing millions in danger during heatwaves and monsoons.
IFAD chief sounds alarm on global hunger saying millions could face food insecurity by 2030 without swift action.
Sabah pygmy elephants
Elephant encroachment into plantation estates remain a recurring problem, Eco-Business observes on a recent visit to Sukau, Kinabatangan, where forested areas have been fragmented by thousands of hectares of oil palm sites.
Initiative aims to cut emissions and fund rainforest preservation, though political disputes and sector exemptions pose significant challenges.
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#agriculture Opinion

A woman working in a tobacco field in East Lombok
Community-based initiatives like cooperative farming ventures and water conservation projects can play a vital role in building resilience among women farmers.
There is a case for relaxing Vietnam’s long-standing restrictions on the use of land meant for rice cultivation.
United Nations Under-Secretary-General and AI expert Tshilidzi Marwala writes for Context ahead of the Bonn AI and Climate Expert Meeting.
wheat field
Yields of the country’s second most important food staple have declined significantly in the past two years.
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#agriculture Videos

good meat eat just chicken bites
Novel food firms are dreaming big about market expansion, but first they must overcome diners' doubts and a huge cost hurdle.
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#agriculture Podcasts

Smoke from burning land in Indonesia
EB Studio Transboundary haze pollution is back with a vengeance in Southeast Asia. The Eco-Business Podcast talks to RSPO CEO Joseph D'Cruz about what the palm oil sector can do to put out the peatland fires that have burned annually for four decades.
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leaf background pattern

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