#climate risk News

On International Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem, Eco-Business looks at the unexpected rapid growth of a thriving mangrove forest in Iloilo City, Philippines, following the completion of a man-made floodway.
GIC building
As climate tech funding cools, the Singapore state-owned investor has launched an investment scheme betting on long-term returns from green assets, such as early-stage decarbonisation solutions in green steel and battery storage.
China’s Third Plenum, an important five-yearly meeting traditionally associated with major economic reforms, concluded on 18 July in Beijing.
Climate-induced disasters are forcing people to migrate out of mountainous areas, and in the process their languages and cultures are being profoundly affected.
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#climate risk Opinion

A woman working in a tobacco field in East Lombok
Community-based initiatives like cooperative farming ventures and water conservation projects can play a vital role in building resilience among women farmers.
Google fourth data centre in Singapore
Since the release of ChatGPT, the world has seen a surge in investment and use of artificial intelligence. The social and economic impacts of this boom have provoked reactions, but the environmental costs have received far less attention.
Zero-emissions vehicles would need to hit 73 per cent of new light vehicle sales by 2030 to keep transport emissions aligned to limiting warming to 1.5 degrees.
Amazon workers near Delhi were dripping with sweat. The heat in their warehouse was oppressive, causing exhaustion and dizziness.
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#climate risk Videos

KAS video intro
EB Studio From sponge cities to coastal forests, Asia is seeking ways to work with nature and prepare for the risks in a warmer-than-expected future. This Eco-Business video looks at what else cities need to do to strengthen climate resilience.
EB KAS video
EB Studio Investors are starting to feel the effects of climate change in an unexpected place – their financial returns. There are now growing calls within the business community to improve the quality and coverage of climate risk disclosure.
COP27 protests
Rich nations need to shift investments into renewables instead, they say. The civic space for demonstrations at this year's climate summit, held in Egypt, is more restricted than the Scotland event last year.
Andie Ang Q&A
Amid competing concerns such as urban development and tackling climate change, keeping biodiversity conservation in people's minds can be a challenge. Eco-Business asks primatologist Andie Ang how that can be tackled.
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#climate risk Podcasts

A protest for climate justice in the Philippines
The new head of Japan and Southeast Asia for ClientEarth tells the Eco-Business Podcast how the law can be used to hold polluters to account in the world's biggest emitting region. She also says it's time the legal profession faced scrutiny for greenwashing.
"We are already at 1.1°C of warming – a matter of life and death for the Global South", says Professor Winston Chow, the recently appointed co-chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's working group on impacts, adaptation and vulnerability.
The Singapore scientist, recently elected to the UN's top climate body, tells the Eco-Business Podcast about the precarious state of climate adaptation in developing Asia. The region is not well-prepared to manage the cascading risks of extreme climate events, he says.
Dr Athar Hussain SRM malaria podcast
Scientists in the Global South are studying how solar geoengineering could affect their communities. One team in Pakistan is focusing on malaria, a mosquito-borne disease that affects millions in tropical and sub-tropical countries yearly.
Earth for all podcast
"Earth For All" is an update to the landmark 1972 book that warned of our unsustainable growth. Jørgen Randers, the author who worked on both titles, tells Eco-Business what is at stake if we don't fix our broken economic system.
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