#consumer products News

For the first time in history, we now farm more seafood than we catch from the wild. At the same time, overfishing of wild fish stocks continues to increase, and the number of sustainably fished stocks declines.
Initiative aims to cut emissions and fund rainforest preservation, though political disputes and sector exemptions pose significant challenges.
Land cleared to make way for palm oil in Indonesia
Alleged environmental and human rights violations by Indonesia’s second-largest palm oil producer implicate multinationals including Unilever, Olam, BlackRock and Jardine Matheson. The allegations come amid Indonesia’s push for better governance over its palm oil industry, which is the world’s largest. AAL denies any wrongdoing.
An advertisement for Australian Gas Network
United Nations chief António Guterres called ad agencies "enablers to planetary destruction". The industry's biggest ad firms have not responded to calls to drop fossil fuels clients. Dirty energy ads will have to be banned before agencies transition, say NGOs
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#consumer products Opinion

wheat field
Yields of the country’s second most important food staple have declined significantly in the past two years.
Salad bowl
The global food system is responsible for about 30 per cent of annual greenhouse gas emissions.
An advertisement for the proposed Narrabri gas project in New South Wales
Fossil fuel firms are among the biggest spenders on Google ads that are designed to resemble search results.
scavenger Malaysia
Regulation, alongside consumer pressure, has developed a strong appetite to progress delivery of more sustainable solutions into the market, thus generating higher demand for recycled materials.
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#consumer products Videos

Plastic bag floats near bait ball. Image: WWF
A campaign by the WWF Singapore has revealed that the average person consumes approximately 5g of plastic every week. The NGO is calling on governments and businesses around the world to forge a global treaty to tackle plastic pollution.
A freezer running on electricity generated by an off-grid solar system
EB Studio In line with the Sustainable Development Goals' aim to eradicate poverty, a Japanese multinational electronics firm is providing power supply stations, solar storage and products to countries with little or no access to electricity.
Solar Cow 2
Yolk Station, a South Korean solar energy company, has installed a renewable energy solution in a remote Kenyan town that can also tackle the problem of child labour.
Make some extra cash and reduce waste by putting your belongings to work. This online market place plugs Australians into the sharing economy.
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#consumer products Podcasts

Alternative proteins podcast 2
EB Studio What are the latest trends in the alternative proteins industry today? The Eco-Business podcast discusses new hybrid products, more localised offerings and cheaper prices due to economies of scale.
women founders tech
What are the dangers of gender bias in technology design and what are the market opportunities for womentech—technologies that centre the needs of women?
Mondelez podcast
EB Studio Recycling efforts in the Philippines are shrinking amid the pandemic, even as the plastic waste challenge mounts. Is the country on the verge of a more devastating plastic waste crisis?
peat swamp kampar gp
EB Studio The once abundant peat forests of Indonesia's Kampar peninsula have been deforested to half its size over the last two decades. Is there hope in saving the country's largest remaining forest reserve? 
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leaf background pattern

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