#circular economy News

Greenpeace protest action at Unilever headquarters in Indonesia
The company that pioneered sachets to sell its products to low-income families must take responsibility for their devastating environmental impact, say activists. Unilever says it has cut virgin plastic use and finding alternatives to sachets "remains a priority".
Edna Ablazo, collection member, the Philippines
EB Studio Recycled plastic has trust issues. Better traceability systems are needed to weed out fraud from the post-consumer plastic trade and fairly reward the people who collect trash for a living.
Curated by finance correspondent Gabrielle See, the explainer series was commended by judges for 'bringing clarity to Asia's sustainable investing space'. A documentary short on Asia's mounting waste crisis earned an honourable mention nod.
Singapore's blue recycling bins
Although Singapore generated less waste per person in 2023, the convenience-oriented city-state also recycled less of its biggest waste stream – plastic. The data casts doubt over Singapore’s ambition to boost its overall recycling rate.
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#circular economy Opinion

Informal waster workers_Ghazipur landfill_India
The focus of Delhi’s existing solid waste management policies is not on curtailing ever-increasing consumption and production but making waste invisible or incinerating it for profit.
Waste pollution_coastal
There is still ambiguity in how penalties for bad waste management are enforced. The lack of data on the waste being imported into Malaysia makes it difficult for authorities to assess the risks associated with transboundary waste imports.
In Asia, industry experts have noted that there is an urgent need for the region to accelerate sustainable financing efforts to achieve net zero emission targets.
Sportswear, athleisure and sneakers are big business. But they depend on fossil fuel-based materials, and recycling them is particularly tricky.
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#circular economy Videos

Kids recycle
EB Studio Recycling is key to tackling Singapore's waste problem, and everybody — including kids— can do their part for a better future.
Katherine Desbaillets, co-owner of SaladStop!
As Singapore-based salad bar chain SaladStop! marks its 10th anniversary, co-owner Katherine Desbaillets talks to Eco-Business about phasing out meat, food waste and single-use packaging, and dealing with customers who refuse to pay 10 cents for a plastic bag.
Plastic bag floats near bait ball. Image: WWF
A campaign by the WWF Singapore has revealed that the average person consumes approximately 5g of plastic every week. The NGO is calling on governments and businesses around the world to forge a global treaty to tackle plastic pollution.
Paula Miquelis gitnb tcf 2018
Welcoming 3,800 people this year, the carbon neutral, zero waste festival has grown six-fold since its first edition in 2015.
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#circular economy Podcasts

EB Podcast: Climate Tech In Asia - Gogoro Founder Horace Luke
Exclusive In this new podcast series 'Climate Tech in Asia', Eco-Business speaks to Gogoro chairman and CEO Horace Luke about the company's recent listing on the Nasdaq and its quest to electrify Asia's ubiquitous two-wheelers and make battery swapping mainstream.
Circular economy
EB Studio Clarissa Morawski from non-profit Reloop tells the Eco-Business podcast why the circular economy is key to the post-Covid recovery.
Green School students visit a school in Bali, Indonesia
Most schools only teach the science of climate change. Green School gives the skills needed to live in a warming world. Eco-Business asked Green School's Leslie Medema how to be real with children about climate change without scaring them.
The EB Podcast talked to Rob Kaplan
2020 was a bad year plastic recycling and ocean pollution. Eco-Business asked Circulate Capital CEO Rob Kaplan how the circular economy can be rebuilt in Asia this year.
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