#rivers News

Subak is an ancient rice irrigation system developed in line with the Balinese philosophy of Tri Hita Karana, which holds that human well-being is maintained by balance between people, nature and the gods.
The “monsoon downpour” that triggered deadly landslides in Kerala’s Wayanad district last month was made 10 per cent heavier by human-caused climate change, a new rapid attribution study says.
Indonesia's new capital of Nusantara in Borneo boasts big green credentials, but environmentalists say the project is another defeat for nature.
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#rivers Opinion

Long a source of tension with its neighbours, China’s transboundary rivers are opening opportunities for regional cooperation.
Despite being on other sides of the planet, Jakarta and Iowa are staring down similar issues around water hygiene and supply.
Clean currents coalition_Juan Diaz River_pollution
The new global treaty to end plastic pollution should consider support for on-the-ground initiatives that remove and recycle waste. A disconnect between international plans and local realities can thwart progress and breed cynicism.
Bangladesh needs international support to protect its people from worsening climate change impacts and build out renewable energy.
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#rivers Videos

rewild our planet
Narrated by renowned environmentalist David Attenborough, Netflix's latest documentary series is a stunning insight into the world of animals and an urgent plea to protect their fast disappearing habitats.
Greenpeace investigation into plastic waste in Malaysia
After China banned waste imports, Malaysia has taken up the slack with worrying consequences, a Greenpeace investigation has found. Much of Malaysia's imported trash—most of which comes from the US, UK and Japan—is not recycled, but dumped or burned.
christchurch resilience
The city of Christchurch, New Zealand offers a symbol of hope to many cities experiencing natural disasters, as captured in this 50-minute documentary.
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