#recycling News

Eco-Business Wasted KL 02
Building these facilities is now the government's strategy to waste disposal, though some have called the move misguided. Speakers at the Kuala Lumpur premiere of Eco-Business's film 'Wasted' called for the focus to be on education instead.
Singapore's blue recycling bins
Although Singapore generated less waste per person in 2023, the convenience-oriented city-state also recycled less of its biggest waste stream – plastic. The data casts doubt over Singapore’s ambition to boost its overall recycling rate.
Indra Water_treatment
The water crisis is sparking more interest from private equity and start-ups are dishing out solutions that are less capital-intensive, observe industry watchers. The data, however, points to a picture that is more mixed, with stop-start investment cycles that are largely cyclical.
Bails of paper await processing at Tay Paper Recycling's facility in Tuas, western Singapiore.
The 34-year-old company is under judicial management. It made a name for itself by recycling millions of red packets discarded during Chinese New Year and is one of Singapore's biggest paper recyclers.
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#recycling Opinion

Waste pollution_coastal
There is still ambiguity in how penalties for bad waste management are enforced. The lack of data on the waste being imported into Malaysia makes it difficult for authorities to assess the risks associated with transboundary waste imports.
Plastic bottles_recycling_Singapore
Asean states need to unite on a common stand to beat plastic waste, but national and local efforts matter too.
INC-4 opening press conference2
The ongoing negotiations have the potential to strengthen global cooperation and provide a framework for concerted action to tackle both plastic pollution and its climate impacts.
refill station
Applying lessons from the Montreal Protocol and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change will forge an effective Global Plastics Treaty.
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#recycling Videos

Kids recycle
EB Studio Recycling is key to tackling Singapore's waste problem, and everybody — including kids— can do their part for a better future.
yeo bee yin2
Nine months after she was appointed to lead Malaysia's environment ministry, Yeo Bee Yin spoke to Eco-Business about gender equality, plastic pollution and boosting the country's green industry.
Break Up With Plastic2
Breaking up is not so hard if it’s a toxic relationship. Singaporean comedian Judee Tan shares her tips on how to dump single-use plastic for a love affair with sustainable living.
recycling bin
Ever wondered what happens to the trash that goes into those blue recycling bins? Here's a behind-the-scenes look at how Singapore's trash is prepped for recycling.
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#recycling Podcasts

How to fix plastic recycling
Recycling keeps some plastic out of waterways, but it is no silver bullet for ocean pollution. Ryan Schoenike of OceanCycle tells Eco-Business how recycled plastic certification works, and how his firm is faring in a sector rocked by Covid.
Mondelez podcast
EB Studio Recycling efforts in the Philippines are shrinking amid the pandemic, even as the plastic waste challenge mounts. Is the country on the verge of a more devastating plastic waste crisis?
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leaf background pattern

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