#power plants News

A look at Southeast Asia's evolving landscape of solar energy adoption, from achievements to hurdles and future aspirations.
Mountain top wind turbines on China's Jintang Island in Zhejiang Province
An analysis incorporating new utilisation data released last week implies that China's emissions may have peaked in 2023 and debunks recent speculations that Beijing's record solar and wind installations have led to grid congestion.
Chinese factory workers manufacture solar panels
Countries should invest in localising major portions of their supply chains, and source affordable solar modules and turbines from China, according to the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis.
The southern coast of Obi Island, North Maluku, Indonesia. The sea has turned red due to pollution from the nickel mines and smelters.
Indonesia has hatched a plan to reduce emissions from its coal-powered nickel trade amid growing scrutiny of its downstreaming policy. Environmentalists worry that the plan glosses over the impact of the booming trade on forests, biodiversity and local communities.
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#power plants Opinion

Regular stakeholder consultation is needed to address climate change and lessen pollution-related health impacts.
India’s Indigenous Prototype Fast Breeder Nuclear Reactor (PFBR) and abundant thorium reserves hold key to India’s future energy security.
Suralaya coal-fired power plant
The Just Energy Transition Partnership is not the triumph the current president claims it is. It is a debt trap. The new president should turn their back on a flawed energy transition legacy and adopt a bolder path towards net-zero that leaves no one behind.
Rich countries must step up with more investment in climate action to achieve a safe and prosperous future for all.
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#power plants Videos

solar gili air id
Southeast Asia's largest energy consumer has been slow to transition to renewables, but recent policies point to greater expansion of the country's solar, tidal and geothermal energy production.
fossil fuel warning on greenwash ads
In the video, environmental law group ClientEarth compares the oil and gas giant's advertisements on its low-carbon investments to a burger chain claiming that they’re vegan because they’ve got salad on the menu.
At the 2017 World Economic Forum, former US Vice President Al Gore criticised the development of coal-fueled power plants near the world’s largest mangrove forest while Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina defended the projects.
shenzen incineration
China's city of Shenzhen will play host to the world's largest waste-to-energy power plant by 2020, which will be capable of burning 5,000 tonnes of garbage daily. Here's how they're doing it.
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#power plants Podcasts

The Eco-Business Podcast
Eco-Business talks to Peter Kiernan, lead energy analyst for the Economist Intelligence Unit, to unpack a new landmark report from the International Energy Agency, which proposes an immediate ban on fossil fuels extraction to curb global warming.
Malampaya natural gas2
The Philippines has ended new coal development as it pursues a low-carbon future. Don Paulino of non-profit Philippine Energy Independence Council and boss of Shell's exploration arm, argues why natural gas should remain in the energy mix.
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