Research / #climate

Power Trip: Southeast Asia's journey to a low carbon economy
A new ground-breaking study launched by Eco-Business puts a spotlight on Southeast Asia's transition to the low carbon economy and identifies the top challenges for the region as insufficient regulation …
Unlocking capital for sustainability
China’s economy has grown 10 times as fast as that of the United Kingdom during its industrial revolution and affected 100 times as many people. But these headline economic success …
State of the World's Birds 2018—taking the pulse of the planet
With the tagline "Taking the Pulse of the Planet", State of the World's Birds is a major global assessment that uses bird species to measure the health of our ecosystems …
How Climate Resilient is your Company? Meeting a Rising Business Imperative
Companies have traditionally thought about climate change and environmental sustainability as reputational risks best managed through corporate social responsibility programs. In recent years, however, many companies have been caught unprepared …
CDP Hong Kong and South East Asia Report 2017
This report focuses on environmental disclosure by companies based or listed in Hong Kong and South East Asia. Every year, CDP requests the world's largest companies, by market capitalisation and …
Sustainable Cities: From Possibility to Reality
Dutch manufacturing company AkzoNobel and sustainability media firm Eco-Business held the inaugural Cities:Possibilities forum on 8 November 2016. Read this outcome report for highlights from this insightful dialogue.
The role of SCP in climate change mitigation and adaptation
Over the last decades, climate change has emerged as a significant threat, impacting on human health, ecosystems, biodiversity, food and energy security. Climate change has been fuelled, among others, by …
Energy sector faces increasing pressures from climate change - new report
The energy sector is facing increasing pressures from climate change. All segments of the industry will be affected by the changing global climate and the policy responses to it.
Unleashing Green Growth in the Mekong Delta
GGGI’s water and green growth project aims to develop and apply a systemic approach to water resources management to support a transition to sustainable development. The use of this approach …
Climate change and aging population shape construction
Megatrends will drive new construction business to more than double by 2023, creating huge opportunities across the globe, Lux Research says
Autodesk C-FACT methodology arms cities to tackle climate change
Free, openly available tool from Autodesk enables cities to set science-based climate targets. By Emma Stewart, Ph.D., Head of Sustainability Solutions, Autodesk and Daniel Aronson, formerly Research Lead Director, Sustainability …
CDP Asia ex-Japan Climate Change Report 2013 - Facing the Challenges of an Uncertain Future
This report analyzes the 2013 responses from the Asia ex-Japan 400 sample. The Asia ex-Japan 400 sample consists of the 100 largest companies by market capitalization in China, 100 largest …
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