#healthcare News

Indian regulatory codes are largely advisory when it comes to dealing with heat, ignoring humidity altogether, placing millions in danger during heatwaves and monsoons.
IFAD chief sounds alarm on global hunger saying millions could face food insecurity by 2030 without swift action.
As floods become more frequent, Bangladesh boosts warning systems and aid delivery but more needs to be done to mitigate risk.
Lacking protections, seasonal migrant labourers risk a 'cycle of exploitation' in the West, warns UN's special rapporteur on modern slavery.
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#healthcare Opinion

Amazon workers near Delhi were dripping with sweat. The heat in their warehouse was oppressive, causing exhaustion and dizziness.
By making walkability a central component of how we design our cities, we can create vibrant, inclusive and environmentally sustainable urban landscapes.
Hajj pilgrims
The 2024 Hajj pilgrimage has been overshadowed by disaster and tragedy, with the death of at least 900 pilgrims, mostly due to heat exhaustion and related complications.
Rohingya refugees sit on a makeshift boat as they are interrogated by the Border Guard Bangladesh
Most Rohingya end up in the Aceh province of Indonesia where they not only face hostility from locals, but more uncertainty about their future.
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#healthcare Videos

manila bay with boats
The Philippine government has begun the process of relocating more than 200,000 families living along waterways to restore Manila Bay, the main body of water in the capital.
airconditioner units
EB Studio What makes cooling such a hot topic when it comes to climate change? This year's #Innovate4Climate summit will look at the problem and potential of sustainable cooling.
child receives a drink of water in Sudan
Worldwide, 100 million families are stuck in a cycle of poverty and disease because of the lack of access to clean water. What would it take to slake humanity's thirst for water in a sustainable way?
palm oil technology
With no forests, people lose access to wild food and are forced to purchase more unhealthy food, including packaged foods.
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leaf background pattern

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