#cement News

China can put the Paris Agreement on track when it releases its new and updated climate targets next year, writes Lauri Myllyvirta.
With its growth pattern and challenges shared by many other nations, China’s carbon-intensity approach is a viable blueprint, writes Chen Zhibin.
Cate Harris, group head of sustainability, Lendlease.
The real estate giant’s head of sustainability Cate Harris tells Eco-Business why it is in its business interest to open up about its Scope 3 emissions and advocate for suppliers who are decarbonising hard-to-abate building materials.
CSOs outlook 2024
Asia’s sustainability heads foresee some relief from reporting burdens this year, but articulating the financial value of social, biodiversity and climate-related impacts, engaging suppliers and staying ahead of regulations will keep them busy.
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#cement Opinion

Regular stakeholder consultation is needed to address climate change and lessen pollution-related health impacts.
A steel manufacturing plants in Indonesia
The transition towards sustainable practices in heavy industries such as steel and cement production is a challenging task. It is called one of the ‘hard to abate’ sectors for this reason.
angus black cows on pasture
Since 2006, the estimated costs of achieving net-zero greenhouse-gas emissions from the world’s energy, building, industrial, and transport systems have plummeted. In most sectors, a green transition will cost consumers little.
The building and construction industry contributes 39 per cent of the world’s carbon footprint. How can fungi help reduce the sector's material and energy use?
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#cement Videos

uts paper bag bldg
The newly opened Dr Chau Chak Wing Building at the University of Technology, Sydney boasts more than 25 sustainable design features and has been awarded a 5-Star Green Star rating by the Green Building Council of Australia.
cdl gg
EB Studio The CDL Green Gallery at the Singapore Botanic Gardens Heritage Museum is the first zero-energy gallery in Singapore. Eco-Business profiles the cutting-edge technologies that have helped achieve this.
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The ability of scientists to make accurate predictions about future effects of CO2 will be boosted by vital data from a US satellite being launched to take a detailed inventory of the planet’s sinks and sources of carbon.
3d printing houses
Add this to China's mass manufacturing ability: a 3D printer in Shanghai can build 10 houses within 24 hours by repurposing China's 1.5 billion tonnes of construction waste into 'ink'.
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