Suntariya Muanpawong_Thai judge
Thailand is still used as a hub for wildlife trafficking networks, and Muanpawong tells Eco-Business that judicial innovation is needed to address the transboundary nature of wildlife trade. Putting the poor in prisons doesn't help, she says.
A look at Southeast Asia's evolving landscape of solar energy adoption, from achievements to hurdles and future aspirations.
EB Studio Carbon financing, be it through nature or technology-based solutions, will be key to near and long-term decarbonisation in Asia. With the region’s emissions trading systems seeing some progress, regulation is still crucial to momentum and expansion.
Oil palm estate in Sabah
A recent study found that the more transparent palm oil companies are in reporting their ESG performance, the less they are valued by investors. This is largely the result of a dated narrative that has shaped investor confidence in the sector, a former palm oil company sustainability manager has said.
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#ASEAN Opinion

Rohingya refugees sit on a makeshift boat as they are interrogated by the Border Guard Bangladesh
Most Rohingya end up in the Aceh province of Indonesia where they not only face hostility from locals, but more uncertainty about their future.
For Southeast Asia, it need not be a binary choice between maintaining status quo or pushing for 'degrowth'. Reducing emissions without neglecting job growth imposes lower social costs, and can be a pathway to take for the region.
The outgoing Widodo administration neglected Indigenous land rights in favour of development. The incoming Prabowo administration needs to resolve this issue before such abuse becomes even more widespread.
coal power in indonesia
Indonesia's next administration has its work cut out for it to ensure true sustainable development by resolutely committing to cutting fossil fuel subsidies for good.
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#ASEAN Videos

Women in STEM
Women play a key role in developing innovations to push for sustainability, but barriers remain to their entry into STEM careers. To celebrate International Day of Women & Girls in Science, EB Impact speaks to three women in science on making an impact and pursuing careers in STEM.
renewables race video
Southeast Asian nations are racing to bring clean, affordable power to their people, but one country is outrunning them all. How can states make their renewable energy transition a success?
ecosperity 2019
Eminent speakers and thousands of attendees discussed strategies for a resource-efficient future at Ecosperity Week 2019. As they heard about the science of global warming, delegates were called upon to be part of the solution.
A view of Orchard Road, Singapore
EB Studio About four out of every five people impacted by sea-level rise by 2050 will live in East or Southeast Asia, creating an urgent need climate-smart solutions for cities. This year’s Innovate4Climate summit will look at the climate-smart solutions the region needs.
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#ASEAN Podcasts

Manila, Philippines
EB Studio If a real estate development can reduce energy and water consumption – and emit fewer carbon emissions – it is built to last, Oliver Chan tells the Eco-Business podcast. The key, however, is to first educate future homeowners and businesses that going green does not mean breaking the bank.
Cantilan Bank aftermath of Rai_EB podcast logo
The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas assistant governor tells the Eco-Business Podcast about the regulator’s maiden sustainability report that features an empirical study of climate impacts on banks as well as the nation’s first taxonomy.
A solar farm in Australia
A US$22 billion project involving 12,000 hectares of solar panels and 3,800km of cabling running from Darwin to Singapore might be the most ambitious renewable energy project ever. How will it work? Eco-Business talked to Fraser Thompson of project developer Sun Cable.
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