United Kingdom News

Evicted local people say marine protected area around Indian Ocean archipelago is a colonial imposition.
Lacking protections, seasonal migrant labourers risk a 'cycle of exploitation' in the West, warns UN's special rapporteur on modern slavery.
Smoke is discharged from chimneys at a coal-fired power plant in China
A new whitepaper funded by the Asia-focused lender proposes retrofitting existing coal assets with viable clean technologies and retaining their transmission infrastructure to improve the bankability of the region’s early phase-out deals.
ACCA brown to green panel
Accounting and finance departments across Asia Pacific must wake up to the impact that evolving sustainability standards have on their profession, said experts at a regional accounting forum.
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United Kingdom Opinion

Eco-Business Changing Course exhibition
Eco-Business has launched new subscription plans for our community. We invite you to support our independent journalism and thought leadership initiatives to forge a sustainable Asia and beyond.
India’s Indigenous Prototype Fast Breeder Nuclear Reactor (PFBR) and abundant thorium reserves hold key to India’s future energy security.
Across the globe, political campaigns are targeting young people for their votes, but are they listening to their growing anger over climate inaction?
Offshore gas Southeast Asia
By maintaining energy subsidies initially designed as temporary measures, we risk perpetuating our dependence on fossil fuels.
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United Kingdom Videos

Climate spirals
As planetary temperatures reach an all-time high, a climate scientist has designed a new way to show how global temperatures have changed every month since the start of the industrial revolution and 2021.
one planet wales
What can you do to help quell the devastating impacts of climate change? Start life on a greener path in the countryside.
UK flood barriers
The risks of tidal flooding are worsening across much of Britain—and that is leading to more protective barriers being put in place.
boxing barbie
A study released on Wednesday shows women in every country still do far more unpaid work, like childcare and chores, than men.
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United Kingdom Podcasts

Clover Hogan, climate activist, speaking in 2019
Eco-anxiety is a healthy psychological response, says 24-year-old activist Clover Hogan. The founder of nonprofit Force of Nature tells the Eco-Business Podcast how to respond to anxiety in a world that is "numb" to the climate crisis.
Plant-based food
EB Studio The booming alternative protein sector has experienced turbulence this year. The Eco-Business Podcast asks if growth in plant-based meat alternatives can go the distance.
An Eco-Business debate in 2019
EB Studio Covid-19 didn't kill events, but it did change them. Teymoor Nabili and Veemal Gungadin tell the Eco-Business Podcast how a pandemic transformed the way sustainability events are conceived and organised.
Healthcare and sustainability: Why aren't we talking about it?
If the global healthcare sector was a country, it would be the fifth largest emitter in the world — not great for a sector that promises 'to do no harm'. But a growing movement is emerging to decarbonise healthcare.
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