Russia News

Environmental issues are subordinate to the strategic imperative of countering US influence. That could ultimately weaken the relationship amid shake-ups in global trade.
Indians promised well-paid jobs in Russia were sent to fight in Ukraine, highlighting online scams that target the unemployed.
China recently approved the construction of six more nuclear reactors, cementing its status as the world’s fastest-growing nuclear power producer.
Additional policies could downgrade coal power from occasionally unprofitable to a financial liability.
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Eco-Business Changing Course exhibition
Eco-Business has launched new subscription plans for our community. We invite you to support our independent journalism and thought leadership initiatives to forge a sustainable Asia and beyond.
Peace with Nature Singapore
Founder and managing director Jessica Cheam investigates the relationship between business and our natural world, and shares about the genesis of Eco-Business in this book chapter contribution to 'Peace and Nature', a book compilation of 50 essays and edited by Professor Tommy Koh, Lye Lin Heng and Shawn Lum launched in Singapore recently.
China’s active involvement in climate diplomacy can increase overseas understanding of its climate policies and bring impetus to global climate governance.
Oskarshamn nuclear power station
To accelerate the net-zero transition and reduce Russia and China's global influence as the world’s leading providers of nuclear projects, shareholder governments must reconsider their outdated stance against the technology.
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