CJP to highlight nonfood biodiesel crops for sustainable aviation & transport fuel

The 5th Global Jatropha Hi-tech Integrated Nonfood Biodiesel Farming & Technology Training Programme is being held September 5-9, 2012 at Jaipur, India.

The event will be a 5 day ’one stop shop’ assembling the various nonfood biofuel feedstocks value chains with featured discussion of new feedstocks and accelerating the commercialization of sustainable mobility.  This is the only dedicated event for the fast growing nonfood biodiesel sector where the full range of biodiesel crops and technologies can be studied, viewed and seen by all stakeholders at a glance.

While biodiesel can be derived from a wide range of plant sources, many of those sources are used for food, and the diversion of food stocks to fuel carries serious economic, social and ethical implications. Sustainable, second-generation biofuels are needed, based on nonfood biodiesel crops and trees that do not compete with food crops and can be grown on marginal land. Nonfood oil crops offer great promise to contribute a significant ideal feedstock for high energy density transportation fuels, such as biodiesel as well as green diesel, green jet fuel and green gasoline.

There is a significant potential for sustainable aviation fuel based on Jatropha, pongamia, etc. If cultivated properly, these crops can deliver strong environmental and socio-economic benefits across the globe and greenhouse gas reductions of up to 60 percent when compared to petroleum-based jet fuel. But due to a lack of understanding of the biodiesel plant science and reliable information, lack of QPM inputs, lack of best agricultural practices and expertise and poor management techniques, many projects are only achieving mediocre results. Addressing this is vital to helping developers deliver better social, environmental, and economic sustainability outcomes from energy farming.

A comprehensive research and development program for the development of Nonfood biodiesel feedstocks initiated by the Centre for Jatropha Promotion & Biodiesel (CJP) has made great progress.  The CJP, a platform for multidisciplinary multifeedstocks research into all aspects of nonfood energy farming, intensified its collaborative research approach with regards to perennial oil seeds bearing tree like Pongamia Pinnata, Moringa oliferia, Jojoba, simarouba, etc. in combination with annual nonfood oil crops to have more oil yield per ha and to improve their product.

The CJP’s mission is to perform cutting-edge plant science research in genetics, breeding and horticulture, and further develop technologies to allow for the economic commercialization and sustainability of energy farms globally.

CJP’s new nonfood biodiesel crops - including algae, castor, moringa, pongamia, jojoba, simarouba - are poised for commercialization as the newest, greatest biodiesel feedstock as these crops can produce the greatest amount of feedstock for the lowest input and cost.

Good scientific research done by CJP’s scientists has shown how oilseed crops grow best across different soil conditions and climates, and how they fit into existing production systems, determining what consequences might result from growing these crops in terms of sustainability. Apart from jatropha, following of nature’s elite stock - true-bred, tried and tested form the part of programme agenda:


Worldwide research efforts have focused on producing algae biofuel feedstock as a response to declining fossil fuel reserves and the need to reverse carbon emission trends. Selected species of algae have been shown to grow up to fifty times faster and make correspondingly more oil than land-based crops. …more

Jojoba (Simmondsia chinesis)

Jojoba is a new oil-producing industrial crop that has attracted much attention in recent years. The seeds, after ripening and harvest in the summer, are crushed and give a liquid wax yield of about 50% by weight. Jojoba oil, Unlike most other vegetable seed oils, which are triglycerides, jojoba oil is made of long-chain fatty acids and fatty alcohols with no side branching…….more

Pongamia pinnata

Ongamia has high oil content (approx. 40%): a higher recovery and quality of oil than other crops, no direct competition with food crops as it is a non-edible source of fuel, and no direct competition with existing farmland as it can be grown on degraded and marginal land. As a legume it is also able to fix its own nitrogen from the soil, minimizing the need for added fertilizers ……..more

Simarouba (Simarouba glauca)

Simarouba glauca L. is a new crop having multiple uses that can be tapped for production of biofuel in India, Africa and South &Central America. As the kernel has high non-edible oil content, this can be an appropriate candidate for production of biodiesel (simarouba oil methyl ester)………more

Moringa oleifera

Moringa oleifera is a very fast growing tree; it commonly reaches four metres in height just 10 months after the seed is planted and can bear fruit within its first year. Its pods are triangular in cross-section (30 to 50 cm long) and legume-like in appearance. These pods have oil-rich black and winged seeds, which can be crushed to produce biodiesel………more

Castor Bean

Ricinus communis is a species that belongs to the Euphorbiaceae family and is commonly known as castor oil plant. This plant originates in Africa, but it is found in both wild and cultivated states in all the tropical and subtropical countries of the world. This plant is well-adapted to arid conditions and is able to stand long periods of drought. The Indian variety of castor seed has an oil content of 48% ……more

The attendees shall have the opportunity to know the above nonfood biodiesel crops in totality. CJP will provide guidance for starting a successful business, ensuring that this crop is planted in the right way and with due care for sustainable farming techniques. Based on its proprietary knowledge, plant science expertise, enhanced technology, and extensive experience - and by integrating technical and managerial issues - CJP has developed a comprehensive agricultural and technical training package to deliver competencies through qualified trainers  with a practical ‘hands on’ approach.

The Project Developer would need to become an expert in selecting the best biodiesel crop, best package of practices, best management techniques, and best technology to extract oil and convert it into biodiesel. Then, the correct tools and skills for setting up a fuel farm and the construction of a biodiesel refinery are required, as well as knowledge of multiple and diverse feedstocks. Finally, engineering skills are necessary to install and maintain the oil and biodiesel plants. CJP is a champion in demonstrating and promoting such systems with distinguished scientists who are innovators in the field of bio crops, agricultural science and technology, and shall deliver extensive knowledge as to how to put sustainable farming systems into practice.

Global JatrophaWorld 2012 will showcase agricultural advancement to grow the jatropha and other nonfood oil crops effectively with proper resources i.e. balancing resources to end up with a sustainable long-term solution without harming the environment. The focus of the programme shall remain on three major areas—genetics, agronomics and horticulture practices—so the plant will grow with optimal productivity. While agronomic work is an important first step in the development of any new crop, for new oilseeds to reach commercialization, several other factors need to be addressed. With any of these crops, there is definitely an education curve for producers to be able to understand how it fits into their rotation

To create, build and succeed in the growing world of biodiesel, one needs complete and comprehensive knowledge of plant science, plant technology and plant economics. The Global Jatropha Hi-tech Integrated Nonfood Biodiesel Farming & Technology Training Programme is the only platform to learn the best expertise to plan and execute the present and future dynamics of Jatropha and other nonfood oil crops.

As seats are limited, Register now. One can contact Director Training on tale +91 9829423333 or mail to jatrophatraining@gmail.com to sign up for the 5th Global Jatropha World training early and secure your place.

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