Vietnamese firms should adopt green IT approach: forum

Local firms should consider adopting a green information technology (IT) approach, as it is becoming more popular as a smart solution for modern businesses, said a recent forum in Ho Chi Minh City.

It has been adopted by company managers who want to secure their employee’s health, cut costs, produce eco-friendly products, and protect their family and community, according to the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Calendar Forum on Green IT.

“Green IT, especially in these times of globalization, is not a strange term to manufacturers and consumers. It’s repeated more and more and reaches a large number of audiences via mass media.”

The greening of industries and the creation of green industries are also becoming more popular worldwide.

While the former is related to continuous improvement of resource productivity and environmental performances of all industries, the latter touches on the industrial supplies of environmental goods and services.

On a macro level, regarding policy and strategy making, they will create a global green economy and green growth; while on a micro level, relating to operational models or solutions, they will create suitable production and consumption.

The IT revolution has been a remarkable step by human beings in the 21st century.

“It is undeniable that IT plays a key role throughout whole supply chains and production lines, as well as people’s daily lives.”

But as there are two sides to everything, the negative consequence of IT, including electronic waste (e-waste) resulting from the very short life cycle of products, is mostly ignored.

The next generation will have to pay for what we are throwing away today, said the forum.

The forum also introduced some solutions for minimizing IT’s negative impact.

They include energy saving, 3R in all stages of the life cycle, safe chemical alternatives, and e-waste management.

Rene Van Berkel, head of the Cleaner and Sustainable Production unit under the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), also introduced an effective waste management chain and a systematic approach to this system, and UNIDO’s approach to e-waste management.

The event, which is an effort to address emerging issues and find solutions to the current situation, will also be held in Hanoi on May 17.

Following the latest events promoting topics of Corporate Social Responsibility, the forum is expected to welcome participants from various enterprises and organizations.

The conference is held under the framework of the European Union funded project called “Helping Vietnamese SMEs Adapt and Adopt CSR for Improved Linkages with Global Supply Chains in Sustainable Production”.

It is being carried out by the UNIDO and the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI).

Other implementation partners include the European Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam; the Vietnam Leather and Footwear Association; Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association; Vietnam Electronic Industries Association; Institute of Labor Science and Social Affairs; Directorate for Standards, Metrology and Quality of Vietnam, the National Metal and Materials Technology Centre, Thailand; and Sequa Germany.

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