#landfill News

Communities rely on informal labour for clean streets, but a lack of basic protections puts workers at risk.
Plastic treaty stalls despite 100 nations pushing for deal, as lobbyists outnumber larger delegations and negotiations spill over into ‘INC-5.2’.
A beverage container return system in Singapore
The unveiling of the Sabic-owned petrochemicals facility is "completely misaligned" with what is needed in a strong plastics treaty – cuts on production – an advocacy group has said. The treaty negotiations begin in less than two weeks.
Nations gather in South Korea this month for a final meeting on curbing plastic pollution. Who are the key players – and is a deal likely?
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#landfill Opinion

Plastic-contaminated soils affect food security, water quality and ecosystems, making soil health a critical global issue.
Countries must address the cow in the room in the lead up to Brazil’s COP30.
Bali has a unique opportunity to address plastic waste by integrating sustainable practices into the tourism experience.
Biopolymers that are cheaper to produce, heat-resistant, biocompatible and biodegradable are promising alternatives to plastics.
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#landfill Videos

A view of Orchard Road, Singapore
EB Studio About four out of every five people impacted by sea-level rise by 2050 will live in East or Southeast Asia, creating an urgent need climate-smart solutions for cities. This year’s Innovate4Climate summit will look at the climate-smart solutions the region needs.
Manchester United
To raise awareness about plastic pollution in oceans, popular football club Manchester United has announced new uniforms made from recycled ocean plastic.
Pulau Tukong
The new development - to be used for military exercises - will reclaim land using less sand, and introduces the city-state’s first sub-sea level polder.
Screen Grab: Flinders Ranges Australia
Traditional landowners say a plan to store radioactive waste near sacred Aboriginal sites is a desecration of their heritage.
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