#irrigation News

Subak is an ancient rice irrigation system developed in line with the Balinese philosophy of Tri Hita Karana, which holds that human well-being is maintained by balance between people, nature and the gods.
As floods become more frequent, Bangladesh boosts warning systems and aid delivery but more needs to be done to mitigate risk.
Severe heat in Bangladesh has exposed critical food security challenges, affecting everything from fruit production to paddy and poultry farming.
Climate change is affecting the types of crops that can be grown, particularly at higher altitudes. However, traditional oasis agriculture in Oman’s northern mountains could reveal how to implement sustainable land use in dryland ecosystems.
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#irrigation Opinion

There is a case for relaxing Vietnam’s long-standing restrictions on the use of land meant for rice cultivation.
In the World Economic Forum’s 2023 Global Risks Report, nine of the ten biggest risks for the next decade have a water-related component.
The spike in plastics waste during the pandemic is worsening marine pollution.
Mounting marine pollution is choking the world’s oceans and rivers, especially in Southeast Asia — and it’ll only get worse unless something changes.
Banderban farmers
In South Asia, where population pressures pose a significant food security challenge, growing at least two crops per year boosts productivity, writes International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre's Julie Mollins.
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#irrigation Videos

davenport iowa reverend
Regardless of your beliefs, the overarching message of this video on environmental stewardship will likely resonate.
screen shot tomorrow
Moving away from narratives that spell fear of climate-related catastrophes, "Tomorrow" tells stories of how ordinary people -- from Icelandic volcanoes to Indian slums -- employ innovative ways to fight the effects of climate change.
bhungroo women india
Women continue to show results in addressing climate change in urban and rural communities around the world. UN's Momentum for Change celebrates their efforts through this short video.
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#irrigation Podcasts

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