#human rights News

Three companies that manage pulpwood plantations in Indonesia are facing a citizen lawsuit over repeated fires on their concessions that have been blamed for illnesses and other disruptions.
The re-emergence of polio highlights the long-term effects of war on Gaza's devastated health system and weakened people.
Deaths of Indian farm workers Dalvir Singh and Satnam Singh in Italy reignite debate over 'slave-like' conditions in EU agriculture.
Saudi Arabia's hosting of the Esports World Cup has reignited debate about how the kingdom is using sports to soften its image.
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#human rights Opinion

KL crowded street
The country’s recent National Baseline Assessment on Business and Human Rights report reveals an urgent need for human rights to be entrenched into Malaysia’s domestic laws.
Amazon workers near Delhi were dripping with sweat. The heat in their warehouse was oppressive, causing exhaustion and dizziness.
Rohingya refugees sit on a makeshift boat as they are interrogated by the Border Guard Bangladesh
Most Rohingya end up in the Aceh province of Indonesia where they not only face hostility from locals, but more uncertainty about their future.
Informal waster workers_Ghazipur landfill_India
The focus of Delhi’s existing solid waste management policies is not on curtailing ever-increasing consumption and production but making waste invisible or incinerating it for profit.
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#human rights Videos

Tata Balladares
The veteran journalist talks to Eco-Business about how his Emmy-nominated documentary depicts the lives of environmental crusaders in Asia's deadliest country for guardians of the seas and forests.
migrant fishermen fishing southeast asia
On International Human Rights Day, Greenpeace releases shocking testimonies from Southeast Asian migrants working on board foreign fishing vessels, plying the remote waters to meet Asia's surging demand for seafood.
fossil fuel warning on greenwash ads
In the video, environmental law group ClientEarth compares the oil and gas giant's advertisements on its low-carbon investments to a burger chain claiming that they’re vegan because they’ve got salad on the menu.
Apai, customary chief, Dayak Iban tribe
Around the world, indigenous people have historically suffered from abuse and rights violations, despite being critical to forest conservation. This tribe in West Kalimantan, Indonesia, just won rights over its land after a 40-year struggle. Are governments waking up to the reality that indigenous groups could lead the battle against climate change?
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#human rights Podcasts

Pink Dot 16 Media Launch - Letters to PM
LGBTQ people have long had to chart their own paths in the face of discrimination on bread and butter issues, like housing and employment. Pink Dot campaigners tell the Eco-Business Podcast their hopes amid a political leadership refresh.
IP Tebtebba
In celebration of Indigenous Peoples' month in the Philippines, the former United Nations special rapporteur tells the Eco-Business Podcast about her lifelong work to empower communities in Asia’s most dangerous country for environmental defenders.
Apa Kata Wanita Orang Asli EB podcast
The stories of Malaysia’s indigenous tribes are now being captured through the fresh lenses of young female filmmakers. In this bilingual podcast recorded in English and Bahasa Melayu, they tell Eco-Business why they've picked up the camera.
land reclamation SG
Why is there so much secrecy and controversy around sand extraction? Eco-Business speaks to Madhumitha Ardhanari to find out more about the narrative surrounding sand in Singapore, the largest importer of sand in the world.
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