Genie recycling provides advice on how to recycle clothes

Genie Recycling offers valuable advice on how to recycle clothes and save the planet in 2016.

Genie Recycling is a leading clothing recycling specialist company based in the United Kingdom. This well-established company provides years of experience and knowledge with a passion for saving the environment and reducing the amount of clothing that makes its ways to the already overflowing landfills nationwide each and every year.

The company offers a fast and effective recycling service by providing cash for clothes. Clients can not only save the planet, but they can earn money at the same time. The company is always looking for good quality clothing, which is then sent to various charities and organisations, making a difference in lives and prolonging the life of the clothing item, while eliminating any chances of it simply being thrown in the bin and ending up on a landfill.

Genie Recycling advised that there are numerous options for clients who want to know how to recycle clothes in the United Kingdom. Each one is beneficial to the planet, but some can be time consuming and costly for the client moving forward. The first is to recycle the clothes with a second hand shop in the local area. The company advised that the benefit is that the clothes will be reused, but the disadvantage is that the client needs to find time to drop off the clothes and shouldn’t expect any payment for their good quality clothing items.

The second option for how to recycle clothes, according to Genie Recycling is to give them to a charity shop where they will be sold and the proceed will be used to fund the charity, whether clients choose an animal charity, cancer charity or any other charity. The problem is the same as the second hand store, where clients will have to arrange delivery of the clothing in person which results in wear and tear on their vehicle, parking charges and fuel charges. In addition to this, clients will not receive a payment and the clothing will be considered a donation.

During a recent interview, the director at Genie Recycling, Richard Wood said “We provide a easy to use and secure recycling solution for unwanted clothing. Clients can visit our website where they order their free recycling pack without leaving their home.

We have the pack delivered where clients can fill the bag with their unwanted clothing and then following the instructions in the pack, they can arrange for collection on a date and time that suits them. We also pay for unwanted clothes, so clients can earn money back on their unwanted good quality clothing items.”

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