China International Green Innovative Products & Technologies Show 2011 to be held in November, Guangzhou, China

China International Green Innovative Products & Technologies Show 2011 (referred to as CIGPITS 2011 hereinafter) jointly sponsored by China’s National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, Ministry of Commerce, State-owned Assets Supervision of the State Council and Administration Commission and Guangdong Provincial Government will be held in the China Import and Export Fair Complex during Nov. 9-11, 2011. It is organized by China Chamber of Commerce for Import & Export of Machinery & Electronic Products.

The China International Green Industry Expo 2010 (CIGIE) jointly hosted by 12 Chinese ministries and commissions in November of 2010 turned out to be a great success. 212 companies both from 25 countries and regions were present at the expo. Chinese leaders including H.E. Mr. Li Changchun and H.E. Mr. Li Keqiang visited and spoke highly of the expo. CIGIPTS 2011 will be a large-sized international show in green industries continuing the ideas of CIGIE 2010 and supported strongly by the Chinese government.

CIGIPTS 2011 will present a full overview on China’s specific plans on green and low-carbon development in the 12th Five-Year Plan, provide authoritative interpretation on China’s supporting policies and measures on green and low-carbon development, publicize a group of key projects and key programs on green development as well as investment-attracting projects in green and low-carbon industries outlined in the 12th Five-Year Plan. In the meantime, there will also be a main forum entitled Green Innovation and Low-Carbon Development and a series of forums, seminars and meetings including China National Economic & Technical Development Zone Working Meetings and China National Model Eco Zone Working Meetings.

Setting of Exhibits

Low-carbon Industries & Energy: high and new technologies and products in industries; innovative technologies for equipment of energy conservation in key sectors including the petrochemical sector and metallurgical sector; mud and water treatment; and wind energy, power energy, nuclear energy, etc.

Green Agriculture & Energy Conservation: energy products for rural areas, solar buildings, solar water heaters, small PV power generation systems, small wind power generation sets, etc.

Green Buildings and Energy Conservation in Buildings: low-carbon buildings, green buildings, energy conservation technologies for heating, ventilation and refrigeration, green building technologies and products, etc.

Green and Low-carbon Transportation: new energy automotive, communication of transportation information, construction and management of intelligent transportation systems, etc.

Low-carbon Lifestyle: knowledge on low-carbon home life and applications of PV products and technologies, lighting devices in such homes and public utilities as offices, etc.

Services Companies & Institutions for Green Industries: dynamics of investment & financing functions of green finance, carbon trading, emission right trading, global environment funds and clean development mechanism and related projects in addition to companies and institutions engaged in Energy Performance Contracting services, particularly their products, modes of offering services and successful cases.

Governments: the achievements of China in energy conservation and emission reduction in the 11th Five-Year Plan Period; the specific plans and main goals and key projects outlined by China on energy conservation and emission reduction in the 12th Five-Year Plan.

Eco Zones: development plans, supporting policies, key projects and investment-attracting projects in green industries in pilot provinces/cities for low-carbon development, national development zones and national eco cities in China; international famous eco cities/regions.

Highlights of CIGIPTS 2011

  • Fast Access to the Huge Chinese Green Market: According to the International Energy Agency, the investments in energy conservation industry only will be USD 7.6 trillion in the coming 20 years around the world and that of China will take up 40% of the total investments. In the 12th Five-Year Plan Period, China will invest RMB 3.4 trillion in energy conservation and environmental protection industry, increasing by 15% annually. As the first year of China’s 12th Five-Year Plan Period, the local governments at all levels will work out specific plans to enlarge the investments in energy resources, eco environment and improvement of living standards. Huge market space and development opportunities will be created in Chinese green industries.
  • Gathering of top companies from China and around the world to cover the whole chain of green industries: The show will gather first-class companies from all sectors of green industries and display the most sophisticated green technologies and products. A special Eco Zone Hall will be set up to showcase the development plans, supporting policies, key projects and investment-attracting projects in green industries in pilot provinces/cities for low-carbon development, national development zones and national eco cities in China and formulate a multi-layer complete chains covering producers, distributers, buyers, logistics and end users.
  • Excellent Networking Opportunities with Decision-Makers from Chinese Ministries and Local Governments: CIGIPTS 2011 will invite minister-level leaders of the supporting ministries and Guangdong Provincial Government and local government leaders to visit the show and address the seminars and symposiums. Networking opportunities between foreign companies and Chinese decision-makers will be created on the platform.
  • Matching Events and Seminars for Sharing Views on the Latest Development of Green Industries: CIGIPTS 2011 will be built to be four platforms, namely a trading platform for green low-carbon technologies and products, a networking platform for investment and financing of projects in green industries, a platform for exchanging views on concepts of green low-carbon development and a platform for discussing green industry policies and climate change. The main forum entitled Green Innovation and Low-carbon Development will be held along with dozens of seminars, press conferences and networking meetings to offer diversified opportunities.
  • Point-to-Point Trading Opportunities: Business Matchmaking Meeting for Investment and Financing Projects in Green Industries and Business Matchmaking Meeting for Energy Performance Contracting Projects will be organized to offer value-added services for the exhibitors.

or more detailed information, please log onto the official website at:,

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