Building energy management software market will grow to $514m by 2019

In the period to 2019, the building energy management software market will grow at an annual rate of up to 15 per cent, according to a new report from independent analyst firm Verdantix, but the market is complex and growth trends vary widely across different countries and industries.

Cost saving opportunities, regional and national building energy efficiency policies, and globally increasing energy prices are driving demand and growth in the building energy management software market. The Verdantix Report, Building Energy Management Software Market Size and Forecast 2013-2019, helps software suppliers and their partners project realistic revenue streams and plan effective sales and marketing strategies.

Determining the size of this market is complicated. To reflect the realities, this report incorporates:

  • Interviews with 250 energy leaders directing firms with revenues of at least $250 million.
  • Research across 21 industries and eight countries: Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, India, the UK and the US.
  • Analysis of legislative and competitive drivers at the both the regional and national level
  • Categorization of average deal sizes.
  • Consideration of the size and complexity of deployments.

The Verdantix report shows that firms in the retail, consumer products and business sectors in Germany, the UK and the US currently dominate building energy management spending. In the period to 2019, a combination of regulatory and discretionary factors will drive different adoption rates across countries and industries.

Firms will invest increasingly in software because:

  • Firms will be able to identify significant cost savings.
  • Building energy management software can reduce the cost of reporting and will help buildings meet new minimum mandatory consumption baselines.
  • With energy prices rising globally, software can help offset growing electricity prices by ensuring customers are paying mistake-free utility bills and are on optimal electricity tariffs.
  • The market has matured and customers now have access to an expanding selection of case studies that demonstrate value and inspire buyer confidence.
  • Firms are continuing to increase investment in energy management projects.

“The growth will entail firms turning to specialist software suppliers such as Envizi, Elster EnergyICT, Panoramic Power and Verisae or larger firms offering software alongside additional energy services such as EnerNOC, Schneider Electric and Siemens,” stated Alisdair McDougall, Verdantix Industry Analyst.

The study predicts that by 2019:

  • Spend will hit $304 million in the US, $66 million in the UK, $48 million in Germany, $35 million in France and $27 million in Australia.
  • Brazilian and Indian firms will increase spending by 22 per cent annually
  • Retail and consumer products firms will dominate spending on software

Press Contact: Amanda Wilson, Global Marketing Director, Verdantix. Tel +44(0) 203 371 6779

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