Allcot designs a sustainable clothing initiative with IT Girl Berlin

ALLCOT – a company with sustainable development as its focus – in collaboration with the ITGIRL BERLIN fashion label launches an environmentally friendly and sustainable program where CO2 and equivalent emissions are reduced through the retirement of carbon credits.

Specifically, ITGIRL BERLIN will buy 100kg of carbon credits for each sale of a pair of jeans. With the purchase of emission credits, It Girl Berlin is financing projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The allocation of 100kg of emissions reduction toward each sale far surpasses the actual emissions resulting from the its estimated lifetime, including production, logistics, care and ultimate disposal of the items. As a result, this initiative should be considered more extensive than simply an emissions offset as it represents a deeper participation in the sustainability efforts.

Alexis Leroy, ALLCOT founder and CEO, explains: “Fashion has always mirrored societies’ evolutions. The integration of measurable and verified sustainable components within fashion vanguard, in today’s world, eloquently illustrates that fact.

ITGIRL BERLIN - ALLCOT ’s initiative goes beyond carbon neutrality: it encompasses both social and ecological dimensions by supporting landmark projects generating carbon credits that will be systematically retired for each ITGIRL BERLIN fashion wear sold.

The level of 100kg CO2 per outlet shows a strong and significant commitment from ITGIRL BERLIN into citizenship and sets a unique precedent in the industry.”

ITGIRL BERLIN is a young fashion and lifestyle brand, who creates and produces classic and sophisticated jeans in prime premium denim quality. ITGIRL BERLIN has careful attention to high qualitiy details, soft textures, clean finishes and highest wearing comfort.

ALLCOT develops, manages and trades in all sectors related with climate mitigation, focusing on sustainable development through energy trading and building successful partnerships with companies who value the environment.

Solutions offered by ALLCOT are customized and designed to improve business operations at all levels, from operation development to carbon portfolio management, covering all needs of today’s climate conscious entities.

For more info:


Nicolai Colshorn

Contact at ALLCOT: Rosa Brosé
Corporate Communication

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