Kyoto to close its buildings to save power

To save electricity, the Kyoto prefectural government has decided to close one of its three main office buildings on weekday afternoons on a rotational basis from July 23 to August 2.

The move will require about 1,500 staff to take paid days off. An official said daily power consumption would be reduced by about 10 percent at all office buildings, including local branch offices.

Power consumption is expected to increase during the period due to the expected end of the rainy season and the start of summer holidays. In addition, full operation of the Nos. 3 and 4 reactors at Kansai Electric Power’s Oi nuclear power plant in Oi, Fukui Prefecture, is likely to be postponed until August 2.

The buildings to be closed are Building No. 1, which houses the governor’s office and the financial affairs section, Building No.2, which holds the medical care and livestock industry sections, and Building No.3, where the education board is based.

The prefecture had initially considered closing all buildings should KEPCO issue a warning of a possible electricity shortage.

However, the government decided to abandon the idea because it determined it would not be able to obtain local residents’ acceptance of office closures if there is an emergency.

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