Kan’s adviser to brief U.S., Britain, France on Fukushima

Goshi Hosono, an adviser to Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan, arrived in the United States on Thursday to brief senior officials of the administration of President Barack Obama on the Fukushima nuclear crisis ahead of the International Atomic Energy Agency ministerial meeting later this month.

“I would like to explain frankly what our country is thinking to bring (the nuclear crisis) under control, as well as the developments in the past,” Hosono told reporters upon his arrival at Dulles International Airport in the suburbs of Washington.

Hosono will discuss the report Japan presented to the IAEA on the crisis at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant and exchange ideas on how to deal with the crisis ahead of the June 20-24 IAEA meeting on nuclear safety in Vienna, according to Japanese government officials.

After meeting with John Holdren, assistant to Obama for science and technology, and Gregory Jaczko, chairman of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Hosono will visit Britain on Sunday and France on Monday to brief the Japanese report before returning home Wednesday.

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