![[Workshop] Improving Energy Efficiency of Compressed Air Systems](https://eco-business.imgix.net/clients/event_featured_images/Ecobusiness_Featured_Image_1000x1000px_1.png?ar=16%3A9&auto=format&fit=crop&ixlib=django-1.2.0&q=85&width=320)
Course overview
In this workshop, you will learn the essentials of compressed air systems for improving their energy efficiency. It includes compressed air system design from compressor to end use, piping and fittings, materials, codes and standards, and waste heat recovery.
Learn how to optimize the system for performance, to create and maintain balance between system supply and end user demand, and to eliminate leakage and inappropriate use of compressed air. You will also gain an understanding of the maintenance issues, the cost of air leakage, the methods of detecting and correcting system faults to ensure smooth operation.
Course outline
Day 1
Session 1: General Introduction
- Compressed Air System Components - Air compressors, air dryers, Filters, Aftercoolers, Drain Traps, Regulators
- Definitions
- Standard Rating Conditions
- Uses of compressed air
Session 2 - Type of Compressors
- Oil Lubricated vs. Dry Compressors
- Reciprocating, Rotary Screw and Centrifugal Compressors
- Air Compressor Drivers (motor, steam turbine, gas turbine and gas/diesel engine)
- Performance Data Sheets
- Specifying Compressors
- Strategies for Improving Energy Efficiency of Air Compression
- Cost of Compressed Air
- Class Exercises
Session 3 - Storage & Dryers
- Air Receiver Sizing
- Estimation of Free Air Demand (FAD)
- Dew Point Temperature
- Types of Dryers (Chemical Deliquescent, Refrigerant, Heated/heatless, Heat of compression and Membrane types)
- Advantages and Disadvantages of Dryers
- Class Exercises
Session 4: Leaks, Inappropriate Usage and Air Audit
- Estimation of Leaks; Artificial Demand; Inappropriate Usage
- Importance of Air Measurements
- Audit of Compressed Air Systems
- Sensors & Data Analysis
- Maintenance Aspects; Preventive Maintenance, Safety
- Class Exercises
Day 2
Session 1 - Theory of Compression
- Isothermal, Adiabatic and Polytropic Compression
- Power Consumption
- Single Stage vs. Multistage Compression
- Effect of Intercooling
- Air Intake Temperature
- Case Studies and Exercises
Session 2A: Waste heat Recovery
- Direct/Indirect Waste Heat Recovery from Air Compressor
- Heat of Compression Dryer
- Case Studies and Exercises
Session 2B: Compressor Controls
- On/Off; Load/Unload Controls
- Inlet Modulation Control
- Variable Speed Drive (VSD) Control
- Case Studies and Exercises
Session 3: Compressed Air System Design
- Design Considerations
- Air Demand
- Selecting Type and Size of Compressor
- Case Studies and Exercise
Session 4: Piping System Design
- Pipe Losses; Fitting Losses; Pipe Sizing
- Case Studies and Exercise
All participants will receive a Certificate of Attendance from SEAS upon completion.
SCEM: 14 PDU Points
PE PDU: 12
Prof. Gade Pandu Rangaiah has been with the National University of Singapore (NUS) since 1982, in the Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering. He received his Bachelor, Masters & Doctoral Degrees in Chemical Engineering from Andhra University, IIT Kanpur and Monash University respectively. He worked in Engineers India Limited for 2 years before his Doctoral study. Prof. Rangaiah was recognized with Annual Teaching Excellence Awards by NUS for 4 consecutive years.
Dr. Chirla Chandra Sekhara Reddy is Technology & Optimization Manager at Singapore Refining Company Private Limited, where he leads a range of activities such as Technology, Optimization, Project Development, Process Engineering, Plant
Troubleshooting and Process Safety. He holds Bachelors and Doctoral Degrees in Chemical Engineering from Andhra University and Master Degree in Chemical Engineering from IIT Kanpur. He also holds MBA Degree from Murdoch University. He has 22 years of rich diverse experiences in Process Engineering, Project Management, Technical services, Operations Optimization and Process Safety in Refinery, Petrochemical, Chemical and Utility plants.
Course fees
Standard Rate: $1,100 (Before GST)
For more enquiries, please email training@seas.org.sg
Registration: https://seas.trainingsystemsg.com/TMS/courses/29
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