How to comply with carbon reporting legislation

How to comply with carbon reporting legislation

Stay ahead with your carbon reporting in a fast-changing legislative environment. Identify applicable legislation for your business and ensure compliance.

Companies are facing increasing demands from legislators to report and reduce their carbon emissions. Yet navigating the landscape of existing and upcoming regulations can be challenging: where do you start, what are your obligations, and what happens if you miss a deadline?

In this webinar, a panel of experts will explain how you can identify applicable legislation for your business and ensure compliance. We will provide an overview of existing legislation applicable to businesses including:

  • The EU’s CSRD, which will require all large EU businesses to report their full scope 1, 2, 3 emissions
  • the UK’s TCFD and SECR, which require all large UK businesses to report emissions, including scope 1, 2, and (in the case of TCFD) very often also scope 3
  • the SEC’s recent proposal, which would require all publicly-traded US companies to disclose scope 1, 2 and typically also scope 3 emissions.

Businesses will gain a first-hand overview of what data you are required to report on and how to stay ahead in a fast-changing environment. Being at the forefront of measuring and reducing your emission is good for business, as investors, customers, employees and other stakeholders increasingly care about corporate climate action. Failure to comply with government regulations leads to fines, reputational harm, loss of certain RFPs and government contracts, and opens the company to lawsuits.


Maija Happonen - Product Manager - Value Chain Engagement

Asna Dodhy - Climate Strategy Advisor

Luzia Buchman - Climate Strategy Advisor

Alexander Schmidt - Head of Science & Climate Research

Moderated by Cassandra Julin, Head of Global PR and Communication

Sign up for the webinar on June 21st 15:00-16.00 CET.

Sponsor/exhibitor contact

Monique Dugarte Ramos
[javascript protected email address]

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