Watch now: Sustainability reporting made simple

Want to know more about sustainability reporting, but don’t know where to begin? Eco-Business and simpleshow have produced an easy-to-understand clip that explains it all in less than three minutes.

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Many companies around the world now recognise the importance of corporate responsibility. For one thing, investment companies and financial institutions globally are starting to scrutinise their investments and how they might be having a negative impact on the environment. Examples of such an investment are fossil fuels producers like oil and coal companies.

Multinational manufacturers are also shunning suppliers or firms whose activities are linked to the destruction of tropical rainforests, loss of wildlife habitat and displacement of indigenous communities.

The growth of programmes such as the Global Reporting Initiative - which helps organisations report their economic, environmental, and social performance by providing a common framework - is another sign that the notion of sustainability is catching on. 

Still, there are also many firms which don’t know how or where to begin when it comes to sustainability.

This video, created in partnership with simpleshow, a media production firm which produces explainer videos presented in easy-to-understand visuals, aims to help firms that want to find out more about sustainability and how reporting should be done.

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