#geoengineering News

The collapse of a road tunnel in November 2023 made global headlines, but it is only one of many tunnel-related disasters in the Himalayan region.
The nearing completion of the world's tallest railway bridge, the Chenab Bridge in the Himalayan region of Jammu and Kashmir, promises an economic uplift through enhanced trade and tourism for the area.
A long-standing plan to shift water between rivers in north-central India powers on, despite new science that casts doubt on its efficacy, and concerns over major ecological impacts.
With climate-induced sea-level rise threatening the existence of island states, a new study says islands need to be raised by six metres or more to protect the Maldives.
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#geoengineering Opinion

Youth activists demand a global ban on solar geoengineering, warning it’s a dangerous distraction from real climate solutions and a generational betrayal.
Such technologies appeal to those who repudiate the need for transformative societal change to limit global warming and could become a dangerous distraction, especially as it gains traction as a delay tactic for the fossil fuel industry.
The areas most prone to sinking are megacities that house almost 20 per cent of the global urban population, and these areas are also the most heavily impacted by sea-level rise.
climate change denier concept
The majority of a randomised sample of YouTube videos related to climate change showed that they oppose the scientific consensus that it is primarily caused by human activities, a new study has found.
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#geoengineering Videos

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#geoengineering Podcasts

Sea orchards developed on decommissioned oil platforms
Former petrochemicals industry executives Steve Willis and Genevieve Hilton have written a novel set 50 years into the future that has a happy ending. They tell the Eco-Business podcast that the book is a pitch to carbon-intensive industries to try workable climate solutions.
Dr Athar Hussain SRM malaria podcast
Scientists in the Global South are studying how solar geoengineering could affect their communities. One team in Pakistan is focusing on malaria, a mosquito-borne disease that affects millions in tropical and sub-tropical countries yearly.
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#geoengineering Press Releases

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#geoengineering Research

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