#ecosystem services News

On International Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem, Eco-Business looks at the unexpected rapid growth of a thriving mangrove forest in Iloilo City, Philippines, following the completion of a man-made floodway.
Climate change is driving or contributing to increased risk of extreme wildfires in many parts of the world, and experts say urgent action on climate change is needed.
The purchase of blue carbon credits should only be considered if directly remediating environmental damage is not possible, experts say.
Ethnic conflict, mismanaged development projects and climate change are pushing a major Indian lake to the brink.
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#ecosystem services Opinion

Verde Island Passage
Two years ago, developed countries pledged at least US$20 billion annually by 2025 to help preserve 30 per cent of the world’s land and oceans. But most countries have failed to contribute their fair share.
A coral reef in Southeast Asia
As the sea is emptied of life to feed a growing human population, innovation in protein sources holds promise in diverting seafood production away from the ocean.
From natural seawalls to mangroves, countries are starting to combat climate change with nature-based solutions. COP28 might drive more of these efforts.
Peace with Nature Singapore
Founder and managing director Jessica Cheam investigates the relationship between business and our natural world, and shares about the genesis of Eco-Business in this book chapter contribution to 'Peace and Nature', a book compilation of 50 essays and edited by Professor Tommy Koh, Lye Lin Heng and Shawn Lum launched in Singapore recently.
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#ecosystem services Videos

Residents fight police
Mining operations at Altai Philippines Mining Corporation have been suspended for now, after week-long protests from locals of Sibuyan Island in Romblon, who claimed the extraction of nickel ore will disrupt the island’s intact ecosystems.
Dr Sylvia Earle
Exclusive In this exclusive interview to mark Earth Day, Eco-Business speaks to Dr Sylvia Earle, oceanographer and founder of Mission Blue, who draws the link between our climate crisis and the health of our oceans.
pygmy elephants sabah
From conflict to co-existence: Earthworm Foundation has come up with a solution to managing human-elephant conflict in palm oil plantations in Sabah.
Ahead of Indonesia’s presidential election on April 17, an online movie was recently published showing the links between Indonesian coal and energy companies and the country’s political elites.
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