#avoided emissions News

EB Studio Carbon financing, be it through nature or technology-based solutions, will be key to near and long-term decarbonisation in Asia. With the region’s emissions trading systems seeing some progress, regulation is still crucial to momentum and expansion.
Scope 3 chemicals companies
EB Studio The chemicals industry must rethink its supply chain to slash Scope 3 emissions, which are responsible for a third of all its emissions. Some mechanisms, however, may help chemical companies to better track and decarbonise their value chain emissions.
An aerial view of the Southern Cardamom REDD+ project in Cambodia, image by Gabrielle See
The Bursa Carbon Exchange, which holds its first auction for RECs today, should stop trading abuse-linked environmental credits and review its eligibility criteria, says non-profit RimbaWatch. Bursa Malaysia says credits traded on its platform meet global standards.
Kuamut waterfall
Observers believe the US$10 indicative price for the Kuamut Rainforest Conservation Project’s carbon credits is more than fair, given its highly rated co-benefits and low jurisdictional risk.
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#avoided emissions Opinion

The 3.5 MW Suana solar farm in Nusa Penida, Bali.
Indonesia's 'island of the Gods' could serve as a living laboratory for a nation still in the early stages of renewable energy development.
Burgos solar and wind farm
House Bill 7705, the low carbon economy bill, could help the climate-vulnerable nation seize the economic opportunities that come with decarbonisation.
EB Studio As Asian countries move to cut their emissions, businesses must both decarbonise and look beyond their value chains for credible and impactful climate action.
Now that the developed world has finally accepted a degree of financial responsibility for the loss and damage caused by climate change, the broader climate debate will henceforth turn on the question of liability.
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#avoided emissions Podcasts

Manila, Philippines
EB Studio If a real estate development can reduce energy and water consumption – and emit fewer carbon emissions – it is built to last, Oliver Chan tells the Eco-Business podcast. The key, however, is to first educate future homeowners and businesses that going green does not mean breaking the bank.
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