Training programme on capitals assessment for agrifood business in Malaysia

Training programme on capitals assessment for agrifood business in Malaysia

Malaysia is a unique country with rich biodiversity, natural resource and huge opportunity for responsible business to prosper. Following engagement in five countries – Brazil, Mexico, China, India and Indonesia, The Economics of Ecosystem and Biodiversity (TEEB) for Business project is now coming to Malaysia promote placing the value provided by nature and people at the heart of agri-food business decision-making.  

We invite you to a free training program that will support any company in the agri-food value chain – from banks, to input company, farmers, manufacturers, traders, retailers – to better understand and manage their impacts and dependencies on nature and people. Six sessions of two-hours will take place on a monthly basis to provide you the skills and knowledge needed to assess natural, human and social capital.   The first session will take place on the 23rd March and will explore why the capitals are relevant to business.

Register for the training here 

Between each training session, participants will receive direct support to pilot the internationally recognized TEEBAgriFood Operational Guidelines for Business. One-to-one free expert advice will be provided to guide any institution that want to pilot a capitals approach in line with nature-positive, carbon-neutral and equitable global goals.  

To discover more, download the Malaysian Training brochure here.

In Malaysia, the program is organized by Capitals Coalition in partnership with DHI Water and Environment and with support from BCSD Malaysia.

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