Sony recognized by CDP for climate change disclosure

Ranked third in global IT sector and first among all Japanese corporations for information disclosure in Carbon Disclosure Project’s 2012 Global 500 Climate Change Report

Sony has been ranked number one among Japanese companies and third among all participating IT sector companies for information disclosure in the Carbon Disclosure Project’s (CDP) Global 500 Climate Change Report 2012, which analyzes and evaluates carbon reduction activities at the 500 international companies in the FTSE Global Equity Index Series.

The CDP is a nonprofit international organization (NPO), established in the UK in 2000.  Supported by global institutional investors, the CDP conducts surveys analyzing climate change strategies at leading global companies, and then publishes its findings.  This year the CDP surveyed companies on behalf of 655 institutional investors representing more than 78 trillion dollars in assets under management.

In this year’s survey, Sony ranked highest among all Japanese companies for information disclosure, with a score of 97 (out of a possible 100).  Sony was also listed as one of the world’s 51 leading companies in the CDP’s Carbon Disclosure Leadership Index (CDLI), which assesses information disclosure relating to climate change mitigation strategies and measures.  This is the second successive year Sony has been listed in the CDLI, and third time overall.

Sony has been engaged in a variety of environmental activities since the early 1990s, and has most recently implemented “Green Management 2015*”, a series of mid-term targets spanning the period from April 2011 to the end of the 2015 fiscal year.  Under Green Management 2015, Sony has set specific environmental targets for each stage of the product life cycle, from research and development to take back and recycling.  Sony is aiming to achieve a zero environmental footprint by 2050, as outlined in its “Road to Zero**” environmental roadmap, and Green Management 2015 represents the first phase in this long term plan.

From the creation of environmentally conscious products, to environmental management at its sites, Sony will continue to pursue and accelerate efforts to fulfill its Green Management 2015 targets, and achieve the long term goal of a “Zero Environmental Footprint”.

*Information on “Green Management 2015”

**Information on Sony’s “Road to Zero” Environment Plan

For more information on Sony’s environmental activities:

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