New carbon farming initiative project issued with ACCUs

Climate Friendly and Corporate Carbon Advisory are actively developing projects under the CFI. Their first project was issued with ACCUs in late November and they are exploring new project opportunities for inclusion in the upcoming Direct Action program.

“Project development of this type is relatively new in Australia and is quite complex. It is vital to work with experienced providers like Climate Friendly and Corporate Carbon Advisory. That said, the Carbon Farming Initiative is a great mechanism for Australian carbon management. We are looking forward to bringing more projects to fruition,” said Freddy Sharpe, CEO of Climate Friendly.

Climate Friendly and Corporate Carbon Advisory recently developed the Biomass Solutions Waste Diversion Project for inclusion under the Carbon Farming Initiative. As part of the project development process, a new methodology had to be developed and approved before the project was audited and had ACCUs issued by the Clean Energy Regulator.

“This is the first composting project using integrated autoclaving and enclosed composting technology to be approved under the CFI,” said Matthew Warnken, Managing Director of Corporate Carbon. “Biomass Solutions are a leading example of business innovation that delivers a positive environmental outcome. Now more than ever it is important that these businesses be rewarded for the greenhouse gas abatement they deliver.”

The Biomass Solutions Waste Diversion Project in Coffs Harbour manufactures value added compost from domestic waste that would otherwise be sent to landfill. The project facility accepts a variety of household waste streams including mixed organic waste collected weekly from local residents, in addition to mixed domestic waste collected fortnightly.

The project uses a range of processes to remove contaminants such as metals, plastics and glass. The remaining organic matter is then taken through an enclosed composting process which transforms it into valuable, nutrient rich compost. The diversion of these materials from landfill avoids the generation of methane – a potent greenhouse gas.

The project will prevent approximately 37,000 tonnes of emissions from two years of waste diversion.

“Participation in the CFI was a challenging process but we are pleased with the outcome. We recognise that the positive result is due largely to the efforts and expertise of Climate Friendly and Corporate Carbon. I could not have survived this process without their guidance and support,” said Paul Coffey, Director of Biomass Solutions.

To discuss project development opportunities under the CFI please contact:

Matthew Warnken,
Corporate Carbon
Phone: 0418 238 040

MD Freddy Sharpe, CEO
Climate Friendly
Phone: 0402 968 813

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