My Khatulistiwa on BFM 89.9

When BFM contacted us regarding a possible interview, we were skeptic. Really? They want to hear what we have to say?

We are just a bunch of crazy people with a crazy notion. We want to change the world, make it a better place (thanks MJ for the lyrics). We make some people uncomfortable, we jolt people out of their comfort zones, we make people feel guity of littering, green washing and all the other injustice to environment that humans are guilty of. OK, so we have a lot to say, but BFM was kind to give us 17 minutes. Thank you BFM for hearing us out. We hope to be back.

“Shyam Marimuthu, CEO, and Petri Marttinen, COO of Khatulistiwa talk about their task of guiding customers on CSR and how to do practise green strategies and recycling habits correctly.” For those of you who have not heard us out yet, take a listen here

About My Khatulistiwa

My Khatulistiwa Sdn. Bhd. is the first Green CSR Consultant company in Malaysia.

Our CSR Services

We understand that in today’s competitive world, whatever you do must add value to your business. This is why our services are tailor-made to meet your requirements, be it managing your CSR event or developing a full scale CSR strategy.

Social Enterprise

Social Enterprises are most of the time profit making companies with strategies to grow and contribute to the well being of its surroundings and causes. These are typically companies with business models tailored specifically to support causes the company believes in.

Our Eko Merchandize is our social enterprise business model. For every product we sell, 40% of the profit is channeled back into the company’s CSR fund, which supports the various causes we believe in.

To learn more about our social enterprise and our CSR, please visit

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