Middle East & North Africa Switch to Renewable Energy

As the World Future Energy Summit (WFES), hosted by Masdar, approaches its seventh year next January, the renewable energy sector continues to account for an ever greater share of installed power capacity around the globe. Paradoxically, the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), home to the world’s largest oil and gas reserves, is showing among the fastest rates of growth.

At the time of writing, more than 100 projects are driving this apparent surge towards renewable energy, with new large-scale solar power plants planned or under way in the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Egypt, Morocco and Iran. Commissioning of Africa’s largest wind farm, in Morocco, is also expected next year.

However, if the region’s encouraging progress on renewable energy adoption is to be maintained, more investment capital needs to be made available, from both the public and private sectors. That is why powering the future of innovation and investment is the central theme of WFES 2014. It’s time for money as well as invention to come together.

Next January, the Project & Finance Village at WFES will assume even greater importance, with more investors and developers collaborating to fast track decision-making on programmes across MENA.

As an added incentive, exhibitors can receive business match-making services on site as well as post-event support from the WFES organizing team to further build relations with prospective clients, suppliers and partners.

The exhibition’s Eco-Home venue, which showcased an actual size Estidama-compliant home at WFES 2013, will also be expanded and rebranded into the Sustainable Living Area, complete with a model sustainable hotel and sustainable solutions in transport and urban living.

Away from the exhibition floor, world-renown decision makers will once debate the opportunities and challenges confronting the renewable energy sector, with the conference programme designed into sessions for c-suite delegates and technical experts.

As the adoption of renewable energy continues to move up the agenda of authorities across MENA, the World Future Energy Summit 2014, part of Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week, will be the ideal forum to convert noble intentions into concrete action – and to sustain MENA’s growth in renewable energies and sustainable technologies through increased investment and innovation. Save the dates January 20-22 and bookmark our website www.worldfutureenergysummit.com today to receive regular updates on the Summit.

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