High Stakes

In April, the Asian Development Bank published their report on the economics of climate change in South East Asia.

The report had various noteworthy conclusions; for example, that regional GDP could be reduced by 6.7% each year by 2100 as a result of climate change; that rice yields in the region could fall by 50% in the same period; and that 40% of energy related emissions could be cut by 2020 at negative cost.

To help with dissemination of this report, the film “High Stakes” commissioned by the British High Commission has been produced. This independently produced documentary-drama highlights the main findings of the report and identifies where the region can improve its adaptation policies and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The film can now be seen on YouTube here.

Individual chapters are also available:

Why tackling climate change matters



Funding & knowledge transfer

Policy Coordination


UK business leaders are featured here, explaining why they are moving to low carbon and why a global deal is needed at Copenhagen.

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