Global Jatrophaworld 2012 showcases great variety of potential biodiesel feedstocks

Global JatrophaWorld 2012 promises to have something for everyone interested in developing, growing and utilizing nonfood feedstock for the production of biodiesel. The 4th Global Jatropha Hi-tech Integrated Nonfood Biodiesel Farming & Technology Training Programme which is being held September 5-9, 2012 at Jaipur, India , is mostly designed to educate all stakeholders about critical issue of availability of right feedstock at right cost to make biodiesel a long-term business opportunity.

Centre for Jatropha Promotion & Biodiesel (CJP) is the Global authority for scientific commercialization of Jatropha & other non-food Biodiesel crops and designs and implements the growing of non-food Biodiesel crops worldwide in a structured Agri-Supply chain, Value additions and research activities thereon & provides technology and services from “Soil to Oil” for the breeding, development, planting and harvesting of next-generation commercial Biodiesel crops.CJP is dedicated to the development of oil green oil plantation and technologies in order to reduce dependence on fossil fuels bring greater control and security of fuel supply and reduce dangerous climate changing emissions, including CO2.  CJP’s field-present agronomic teams are responsible for creating the agronomic protocol for crop management as well as the implementation of Integrated Fuel Farming Management System (IFF) which serve as a set of practical ground rules. These continue to prove significantly effective in obtaining higher yields while considerably reducing industry-related risks. CJP is well positioned to play a leading role in the commercialization of green oil plantation and in sustainable growth in the production of biodiesel and environmental commodities. CJP has extensive on the ground experience in project implementation. The CJP has also strategically attracted and employed market leader executives to expand its management capabilities. CJP can provide the required technical expertise, management capacity, technologies and commercial focus to support widespread green oil operations

With an effort to ‘grow beyond oil’, apart from Jatropha, CJP has identified, developed and cultivated as many as 15 non-food oil crops. With years of continuing research, experiments and trials has provided an adage to find and develop 2nd generation biodiesel feedstock with low cost input technology.  In a bid to develop new feedstocks with greater sustainability and volume, such as Jatropha and others to achieve higher sustainable production outputs to meet the growing demand, of biodiesel, CJP started studying and identifying some of the most cost-effective and environment-friendly nonfood biodiesel crops. Among the crops identified as potential sources of biodiesel have been included in the course as below. The attendees shall have the opportunity to know the nonfood biodiesel crops in totality


Worldwide research efforts have focused on producing algae biofuel feedstock as a response to declining fossil fuel reserves and the need to reverse carbon emission trends. Selected species of algae have been shown to grow up to fifty times faster and make correspondingly more oil than land-based crops. The algae industry is constrained by the expense of using current technology to scale up to large commercial production levels, and has not yet  commercialized its natural advantage on a large scale…. …more

Jatropha (Jatropha Curcas):

Jatropha Curcas is a drought-resistant perennial, growing well in marginal/poor soil. It is easy to establish, grows relatively quickly and lives, producing seeds for 50 years.

Jatropha the wonder plant produces seeds with an oil content of 37%. The oil can be combusted as fuel without being refined. It burns with clear smoke-free flame, tested successfully as fuel for simple diesel engine. The by-products are press cake a good organic fertilizer; oil contains also insecticide…...more

Jojoba (Simmondsia chinesis)

Jojoba is a new oil-producing industrial crop that has attracted much attention in recent years. The seeds, after ripening and harvest in the summer, are crushed and give a liquid wax yield of about 50% by weight. Jojoba oil, Unlike most other vegetable seed oils, which are triglycerides, jojoba oil is made of long-chain fatty acids and fatty alcohols with no side branching…….more.

Pongamia pinnata:

Derris indica belongs to the family fabacese (Papilionacease).  It is also called Pongamia pinnata & Pongamia glabra. It is a medium sized evergreen tree with a spreading crown and a short bole. The tree is planted for shade and is grown as ornamental tree.  It is one of the few nitrogen fixing trees producing seeds containing 30-40% oil.  ……..more

Simarouba (Simarouba glauca):

Simarouba glauca L. is a new crop having multiutilities that can be tapped for production of biofuel in India, Africa and South &Central America. As the kernel has high non-edible oil content, this can be an appropriate candidate for production of biodiesel (simarouba oil methyl ester)………more….

Moringa oleifera:

Moringa oleifera is a very fast growing tree; it commonly reaches four metres in height just 10 months after the seed is planted and can bear fruit within its first year. Its pods are triangular in cross-section (30 to 50 cm long) and legume-like in appearance. These pods have oil rich black and winged seeds, which can be crushed to produce biodiesel……,…more.

Ricinus communis:

Ricinus communis is a species that belongs to the Euphorbiaceae family and it is commonly known as castor oil plant. This plant originates in Africa but it is found in both wild and cultivated states in all the tropical and subtropical countries of the world. This plant is well-adapted to arid conditions and is able to stand long periods of drought. The Indian variety of castor seed has an oil content of 48% ……………more

FLAX (Linum usitatissimum L.):

In India flax has been under cultivation from pre-historic times. Flax fibre is the earliest vegetable fibe used by man. The plant also yields oil of commercial importance. The seed contains 40 percent linseed oil which is a good source of biodiesel.

The CJP’s goal is to triple jatropha yields within 10 years, increase the oil content to 48 percent and in combination of other crops the target oil yield is 1500 gallon per ha. Further, to increase the quality of the oils and other products produced—while minimizing inputs including pesticides and fertilizers. CJP to provide the right steps to start the successful business ensuring that this crop is planted in the right way and with due cares to what’s possible in terms of sustainable farming techniques. Based on its  proprietary knowledge plant    science expertise enhanced technology  and extensive experience and by integrating technical and managerial issues CJP has developed  Jatropha Agricultural Training package to deliver Competencies  through Qualified trainers  with a practical ‘hands on’ approach.

CJP’s new Biodiesel crops like castor, flax, moringa, pongamia, jojoba, simarouba are poised for commercialization as the newest, greatest biodiesel feedstock as these crops can produce the greatest amount of feedstock for the lowest input and cost. There are many promising crops on the horizon, but they need to be properly vetted scientifically. Good scientific research done by CJP’s scientists has shown that how oilseed crops grow best across different soil conditions and climates, and how they fit into existing production systems determining what consequences might result from growing these crops in terms of sustainability

Emergence of the new crops system may change the entire scenario of the biodiesel industry and shall provide much relief to the industry which desperately in a need of a viable sustainable non-food feed stocks. CJP’S Next JATROPHAWORLD 2012, the 4th Global Jatropha Hi-tech Integrated Nonfood Biodiesel Farming & Technology Training Programme is all set to introduce you the real world of JATROPHA CURCAS” where the attendees shall also have the opportunity to interact with these new crops science, agronomy and horticulture technology etc. as have also been included in the course. JATROPHAWORLD 2012 is to be held at Jaipur, Rajasthan from September 5-9, 2012. CJP has brought together the best expertise and brightest brains to discuss and analyze the present and future dynamics of Jatropha. Attendees will be able to increase their knowledge about Jatropha and alternative energy and also learn about other most important nonfood biodiesel as referred herein from experts. To find out more about JATROPHAWORLD 2012 please visit

Key Highlishts

  • Improved Agricultural Practices
  • Varietal Improvements
  • Enhanced cultural practices
  • Pest & Disease Control
  • Intercropping
  • Going “Green” with the use of Microbial fertilizers
  • Fine-tuning practices to soil type, environmental conditions & labor
  • Algae the fuel of future
  • Castor can cut carbon and fuel the future
  • Jojoba: the desert source of fuel
  • Pongamia Pinnata offers a possible solution for sustainable biofuel production
  • Majestic Moringa and fabulous flax : ready to meet world hunger & health , besides good oil
  • Simarouba: a multipurpose biofuel tree

JatrophaWorld 2012 will showcase agricultural advancement to grow the jatropha and other nonfood oil crops effectively with proper resources i.e. balancing resources to end up with a sustainable long-term solution without harming the environment. The focus of the programme shall remain on three major thrust areas—genetics, agronomics and horticulture practices—so the plant will grow with optimal productivity. While agronomic work is an important first step in the development of any new crop, for new oilseeds to reach commercialization, several other factors need to be addressed. With any of these crops, there is definitely an education curve for producers to be able to understand how it fits into their rotation

The JatrophaWorld 2012 shall highlight that how scientific selection of site and superior seed strain can ensure a successful Fuel Farms and can meet all the three criteria any environmentally sustainable fuel must meet. These are social, technical and commercial. The invaluable insights provided by experts/scientists will help our trainees to better understand the sustainability of this potential jet fuel source

Time is winding down and you will want to sign up early as we expect available seats to fill up fast. Don’t forget to register for JatrophaWorld 2012 today

Seats are limited. Secure your seat today.

For more information regarding registration, package cost, etc., kindly contact:

Director (Training Division)

Centre for Jatropha Promotion & Biodiesel

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