Global Algae Biodiesel World 2012 slated for December 16 & 17

In the India, CJP is set to hold Global Algae Biodiesel World from December 16-17, 2012. CJP’s Global Algae Biodiesel World 12 focuses on the entire algae production from lab to scale.

Topics are carefully selected to cover the Biology, Engineering, Marketing and Financial aspects of algae commercialization. CJP is recognized as an important platform for productive exchanges among the Academic, Commercial and Investment communities on nonfood biodiesel crops

Algae–based biofuel is a new energy source that has been getting a lot of attention lately. Certain types of algae contain natural oils that can be readily distilled into a vegetable oil or a number of petroleum-like products that could serve as drop-in replacements for gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel. The algae production industry is quickly moving technologies out of the lab and into commercial-scale algae production. Many new algae farms are scaling up to produce algae oil and biomass for co-products. Proven technologies are being implemented today in the scale-up of the new algae production industry. Enhancements by researchers will surely continue in the background as algaepreneurs move into commercial algae production. As an emerging industry, the algae community is in the process of defining the structures and business models that will enable it to move successfully to full-scale commercial operations.

Centre for Jatropha Promotion & Biodiesel (CJP)  is the only  premier research and development organization that arranges the unique training for all stakeholders to provide them the opportunity to understand, learn, act and implement the nonfood biodiesel plans from ground zero to Biodiesel production in a very successful manner. Algae are one of the most promising feedstocks for future bio-diesel production. The advantageous points about algae are their widespread availability, higher oil yields and pressure on cultivated land for production of biodiesel is reduced. Thus, algae will be the future of fuel. Algae as a fuel source are incredible. Some types of algae are made up of 50% oil, which can be made into biofuel more economically. Theoretically, algae can yield between 1,000 to 20,000 gallons of oil per acre, depending on the specific strain. That is enormous productivity as compared with agricultural based biofuels.

Global Algae Biodiesel World 12 (AlgaeIndia 12) shall Highlights the updated research and technology on algae biodiesel from around the World. Algae Experts will meet to reveal the latest developments in algae research, the newest harvesting, dewatering and modification techniques, and tell how the process can be scaled up.

AlgaeIndia 12 will provide an excellent opportunity to the investors, entrepreneurs, biodiesel companies, renewable fuel experts, their associates and academia to share their experiences and knowledge on Algae Biodiesel. It will give them an excellent opportunity to know more about the latest research and developments in the fields of algae mass production systems, photo bioreactor technologies and other important areas of Algae Biodiesel Industry. The Programme would cover all the topics related to Algae Biodiesel Industry with live demo of algae harvesting

While talking on AlgaeIndia 12, Mr. S.S.Mishra Director (Training) said, “CJP provides you a single platform, the best expertise to discuss and analyze the present and future dynamics of ALGAE from a technological and economic angle. Global Algae Biodiesel World 2012 shall be the unique knowledge platform to share the latest information on: What opportunities do algae have to offer in the coming decades?; Why is there such a high level of interest for algae at this point of time?; What influence and position will algae take over ten years in the global economy?

“Introducing the real world of Algae and its scientific commercialization for Development of Sustainable Non-Food Algae Oil Crop Projects, Programmes and Priorities to Feed Biodiesel Industry Worldwide, the programme shall rich your knowledge with regards to amazing algae aviation fuel”. He concluded

For more information regarding registration, package cost, etc., kindly contact:

Coordinator (Programme)

Centre for Jatropha Promotion & Biodiesel

TELE: +91 141 2335839

FAX: (+91) 141 2335968

MOBILE: (+91) 9829423333

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