DNVPS goes green with DHL

DHL Express, the world’s leading express company, and DNV Petroleum Services (DNVPS) have announced the signing of an agreement for the DHL GOGREEN Carbon Neutral shipping services across DNVPS’ global markets, including its specialist laboratories in Singapore, Oslo, Rotterdam, Houston and Fujairah.

The multi-million dollar Express Contract encompasses the DHL GOGREEN Carbon Neutral service and covers the outbound transport of DNVPS’ sampling equipment and the inbound regional transportation of bunker oil samples for testing. For a surcharge, DHL will measure and offset carbon emissions for international air express shipments and provide DNVPS with a certification stating the total amount of CO2 offset on their behalf each year.

DNVPS is the first auxiliary service provider in the global maritime industry to sign up for the DHL GOGREEN service. A wholly owned Det Norske Veritas (DNV) subsidiary, DNVPS is the world’s leading marine fuel management services provider with two-thirds share of the global fuel quality testing services market.

Tore Morten Wetterhus, Managing Director of DNV Petroleum Services, said: “As an ISO 14001 certified enterprise and signatory to the United Nations Global Compact, DNV and its subsidiaries are dedicated to helping stakeholders achieve a sustainable future. We believe the DHL GOGREEN service can take both DNVPS and our customers closer towards carbon neutral operations.”

The DHL GOGREEN service complements an ongoing environmental drive at DNVPS to improve energy efficiency and minimize waste in its laboratories and offices. Each year, the company lays down environmental key performance indicators aimed at reducing energy consumption, hazardous materials and non-essential business travel.

Between 2008 and 2009, DNVPS’ laboratories lowered energy consumption by as much as 16 percent, while hazardous wastes were down 4 percent. DNVPS employees in the same period also helped realize a 17 percent CO2 emission reduction per person – from 1.2 tons to 1 ton – within DNV’s 300 offices across 100 countries.

Beyond the confines of business, ‘We DO’, an NOK 40 million per annum ‘green bonus’ scheme at DNV, lets each DNVPS employee enjoy up to 67 percent yearly subsidy for the single purchase of an energy-saving product or service for personal or home use. “The We DO scheme is a very strong encouragement for our employees and their families to make sustainability practices a priority even in their private lives. This balances our commitment of working with external partners like DHL to ‘go green’ in our business operations,” Mr Wetterhus said.

Lindsay Birley, Senior Vice President of Sales, DHL Express Asia Pacific, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Africa, said: “This global agreement with DNVPS for DHL GOGREEN Carbon Neutral service is a great way to begin 2011. It reflects the positive outlook for business growth ahead in Asia-Pacific for testing services, domestic warehousing and distribution, as well as how sustainability is now viewed as an integral requirement in any logistics portfolio.”

DHL was the first logistics company to introduce a carbon-neutral shipping service in the form of DHL GOGREEN in 2007 to offer companies a more environmentally-responsible shipping option. It calculates carbon emissions generated from the transporting of each shipment and offsets emissions via carbon management projects such as a windpark in China or a water hydro plant in Brazil.

To ensure accountability and transparency, DHL’s patented methodology for measuring carbon emissions is audited and certified annually by an independent certifying body1. In 2010 alone, DHL has sent about a billion DHL GOGREEN shipments of letters, parcels and express deliveries, offsetting over 50,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide for its customers.

DHL’s own global environment protection program aims to improve carbon efficiency by 30 percent by 2020 with strict targets to reduce emissions per package sent, ton transported and square meter of real estate used by 10 percent by 2012, and 30 percent by 2020 [benchmarked to 2007 levels]. In 2009, DHL Express Asia-Pacific, which includes over 1,000 facilities in 27 markets, achieved a 19 percent improvement in carbon efficiency year-on-year, reducing CO2 emissions by 13 million kilograms and saving €10 million in overall energy and ground vehicular fuel costs.

“Energy efficiency is the largest ecological challenge that we face in the transportation sector. As a group, we are looking at innovative ways to reduce our resource use and our carbon footprint, while responding to the increasing demands of customers such as DNVPS who are committed to finding environmentally responsible business solutions as well as maintaining or extending their competitive advantage,” said Mr Birley. “As the world’s leading express and logistics company, we have a responsibility to address the environmental challenge and create sustainable logistics solutions and services like DHL GOGREEN.”

DHL is a trusted partner for many energy sector companies. DHL’s portfolio includes national and international express transportation of documents, samples and spare parts; air and water cargo transportation, optionally transported with the carbon neutral GOGREEN service; consulting and customs clearance; chartering of ships and aircraft; logistics management in industrial projects and geometrical and structural feasibility studies of land routes. Moreover, DHL also provides supply chain integration (order fulfillment, cross-docking, stock management, reverse logistics, routing, stocks and
supplier hubs, monitoring and tracking) and has an expertise in receiving, storing and shipping supplies, repairs and product rework. By combining the expertise of its three business units - Express, Freight and Forwarding and Supply Chain - DHL is uniquely positioned to offer fully integrated solutions for energy sector companies.

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