Dimension Data commended for climate change disclosure for fifth consecutive year

Singapore, 20 February 2013 – Dimension Data, the USD 5.8 billion global IT services and solutions provider, has been commended by the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) for its approach to climate change disclosure in 2012. This is the fifth consecutive year that Dimension Data has submitted information about its sustainability strategy to CDP.

CDP is an international not-for-profit organisation providing the only global environmental disclosure system on behalf of 722 institutional investors with USD87 trillion in assets under management. CDP provides an annual update on the greenhouse gas emissions data and climate change strategies of the world’s largest public corporations.  In 2012, 81% of Global 500 corporations responded to the CDP questionnaire.  Dimension Data is not obligated to participate in the report as it is no longer listed on the FTSE All-Share index, but opted to make a voluntary submission, to indicate its commitment to sustainability and related reporting.

Dimension Data achieved a disclosure score of 88 and a banded performance score of B, which reflects the organisation’s level of commitment to carbon disclosure, and a deep understanding of the business issues related to climate change, related risks and opportunities.

According to Daniel Turner, Head of Disclosure at CDP, “Although Dimension Data is not part of the FTSE sample, its score of 88 is within the range of the top 10% of FTSE 350 companies which make up the FTSE 350 Carbon Disclosure Leadership Index. In addition, Dimension Data’s efforts to promote climate change mitigation, adaptation and transparency are evident in the 10% reduction of its carbon footprint per employee since 2010.”

Colin Curtis, Dimension Data’s Global Director for Sustainability, said, “We fully support the valuable work done by CDP. The organisation’s aims match our strong belief that openness and transparency are essential for sustainable business.  Over the past 12 months, the Group has worked hard to improve its reporting through the introduction of new processes, a new management system, and external verification of our data. We are particularly pleased that our progress has been recognised by CDP.

“We will continue working on reducing travel, energy and waste in our business, as well as helping our suppliers, partners and clients with carbon reduction initiatives.  In addition, we aim to enable our clients to deliver on successful sustainability strategies that reduce cost and increase efficiency,” he added.
Today Dimension Data has ISO14001 certification in South Africa, Australia, the UK, Japan, and the Czech Republic through the deployment of its Environmental Management System.

Dimension Data provides a range of sustainable solutions to help its clients leverage the use of information and communication technology (ICT) to address sustainability issues. In October 2012, the Group announced the availability of an e-waste service as part of its newly expanded Technology Lifecycle Management Assessment – a service that helps organisations better manage their technology inventory.

About Dimension Data
Founded in 1983, Dimension Data plc is an ICT services and solutions provider that uses its technology expertise, global service delivery capability, and entrepreneurial spirit to accelerate the business ambitions of its clients. Dimension Data is a member of the NTT Group.  www.dimensiondata.com

About CDP
CDP is an international, not-for-profit organization providing the only global system for companies and cities to measure, disclose, manage and share vital environmental information.  CDP works with market forces, including 722 institutional investors with assets of US$87 trillion, to motivate companies to disclose their impacts on the environment and natural resources and take action to reduce them.  CDP now holds the largest collection globally of primary climate change and water information and puts these insights at the heart of strategic business, investment and policy decisions.  Please visit www.cdp.net to find out more.

CDP is a UK Registered Charity (no. 1122330).  In the United States, CDP’s sponsor liaison is Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, which provides CDP with 501(c)3 charitable status.

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