Cultiv@te – Innovation for Sustainable Development

Cultiv@te – Innovation for Sustainable Development

The UN Development Programme (UNDP) in partnership with the Government of Singapore and other partners launched a global technology and innovation initiative for sustainable agriculture titled ‘Cultiv@te’. The initiative aims to transform agricultural practices in developing countries in light of the sector’s increasing impact on climate change and the global pressure of food insecurity.

By 2050, the world will need to sustain some nine billion people, requiring an increase in food production by about 70 per cent. At the same time, climate change further strains our ever-depleting natural resources, increasing the vulnerability of the highly resource-dependent agricultural sector. The sustainability of global food production will depend on our ability to innovate and become much more climate-resilient.

The Cultiv@te initiative brings together a coalition of partners and stakeholders that want to bring technology and innovation where it is most needed, combining globally-leading innovation with local knowledge, expertise and market insights. The initiative focuses on three major themes: urban agriculture, rainfed agriculture, and livestock farming and aquaculture.

The programme offers mature growth-stage startups and R&D; teams from academic institutions a unique opportunity to work in a number of emerging markets with immense potential and needs. The global cohort will join local innovators, technology experts, corporate mentors, and financiers to co-design solutions with farmers and policy makers.

Check out for the 13 countries Cultiv@te works with and their challenge statements, and apply now to have a chance to work with UNDP’s local offices and a network of development practitioners and industry-leading experts supported by the UNDP.

Applications close on 14 February 2020.

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