CMT’s 2nd Algae World Australia tracks latest algae projects in Australia

CMT’s 2nd Algae World Australia Tracks Latest Algae Projects in Australia & Releases Presentation Video for Download

CMT’s 2nd Algae World Australia is a timely and topical conference that encapsulates the robust algae developments in Australia. The conference in Perth on 16-17 April 2012 is centered around the theme ”Scaling up to the next level & developments in processing technology from harvesting, separation to extraction“ and aims to assess the scale of algae cultivation & biocrude potential across Australia, spotlighting project updates and technology developments. As a prelude, organizer CMT has released a presentation video of last event for download.

Sun-drenched and arid Australia is set to become a future biofuels hub with algae ventures thriving in the country. With abundant sunshine, large areas of marginal land, and sources of saline water Australia is potentially the perfect venue for this rapidly expanding industry.

The 1.5 day event supported by the BEAM Network and leading manufacturer of industrial centrifuges Flottweg, promises to be an excellent platform for participants to interact and forge valuable business relations in an informed setting. The highly anticipated conference also features an exclusive post conference site visit on 17th April (2 pm - 4 pm) to the Algae R&D Center in Murdoch University, plus the SABC (State Agricultural Biotechnology Center), a dedicated facility for research and development on algae, algae culture and algae culture systems.

In a prelude, CMT is releasing a video presentation delivered by Riggs Eckelberry, CEO of Origin Oil at the last Algae World Australia 2011 held in Townsville. In it he outlined the company’s fast-track commercialization process, its technical aspects, the company’s strategic partnership with carbon capture pioneer MBD Energy, and commentary on the direction of the algae industry. The Video is available for download at the event’s video request page here.

As for the 2012 event, an impressive array of authoritative speakers, project leaders and academicians are due to deliver below presentations:

  • Murdoch University sessions : Chairman’s Introduction & Welcome speech plus Update on Murdoch Algae R & D Centre & future directions by Prof. Dr. Michael A Borowitzka, Professor & Head of Algae R&D Center; CO2 bioremediation using microalgae by Dr. Navid Moheimani, Senior Lecturer, School of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology.
  • Update on the Darke Peak Algae Biofuels Commercialization project in Eyre Peninsula by Dr . Stephen Clarke, Leader - Materials & BioEnergy Group, Flinders University
  • Open Pond Systems with High Saline Algae updates on Muradel Algae Project by Mr. Gerald Barker, Interim CEO, Muradel Pty Ltd
  • Algae - the optimal crop & growth industry for Western Australia, a session by Mr. Matthew Caspari, Founder & Managing Director Australia from Aurora Algae Pty Ltd.
  • Discovering the best Australian sites for algae cultivation and scale-up by Dr. David Batten, Leader, Low-cost Algal Fuels Team from CSIRO Energy Transformed Flagship
  • Direct Conversion of Algal Oils to Jet and Diesel Fuels by Dr . Steve Lupton, Senior Research Associate, UOP LLC, A Honeywell Company
  • Biodiesel from algae presented by Dr . Gerhard Knothe, Research Chemist, USDA-ARS NCAUR Fermentation Biotechnology Research Unit
  • Capturing flue-gas CO2 to the algae ponds to harvest and grow algae by Mr. Andrew Lawson, Managing Director, MBD Energy Limited
  • Tubular Photobioreactors in Commercial Microalgae Production – Operational Experiences at the 12000m² Plant in Klötze/Altmark by Dr. Martin Ecke, Managing Director from Roquette Klötze GmbH & Co. KG

The rest of the contributing international experts include Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation, Melbourne Water Corporation, Regenerate Industries, University of Adelaide, Earthrise Nutritionals LLC.

To access full agenda of 2nd Algae World Australia visit the event’s website. For details on reservations please contact Ms. Huiyan at (65) 6346 9113

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Centre for Management Technology

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