Beauterama launches index of chemicals

In a first in the Asian market, Beauterama Trading, the Asian brand distribution specialists, has published its Index of Chemicals, which showcases the chemistry safety of brands that Beauterama represents.

The Index of Chemicals is available in both English and Mandarin and marks the launch of the Beauterama Research Institute, the research and analysis division of the company.

The Index of Chemicals covers Beauterama’s organic beauty, and household brands such as Childs Farm, Maison Belle and Price’s Candles. When you select a brand and one of its products, the index provides an overview of its components and functions.

You can also search by clicking a certain chemical component and the results will show the brands and products that contain this component.

Currently, there are six brands, 21 products and 68 components to be found in the Index, which has been created by Luis Ascencion, Biochemist and Senior Brand Scientist of the Beauterama Research Institute.

“We have been operating in the Asia market for over 25 years and understand that product safety is one of the priority concerns for Asian consumers when it comes to choosing household products. We are strict in selecting our brands, and have launched Beauterama Research Institute and the Index of Chemicals to provide valuable knowledge to our customers in Asia. In this way, we can help customers build up their confidence in the brands,” explains Kevin Liu, General Manager of Beauterama Trading.

“I was extremely impressed when I saw the Index of Chemical’s that Beauterama has produced. As a supplier of natural and organic products for kids as well as being a mum, it is so important to understand the chemicals we put on young skin to prevent irritation or upset.

Well done Beauterama for putting together a means for the public and retailers to understand our products better and for delivering a platform which is comprehensive and educational for all,” says Joanna Jensen, Founder of Child’s Farm, which is a children’s toiletries producer and has been represented by Beauterama in Asia since 2013.

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