Russia commits safety for Vietnam’s first nuclear power plant

Petr G. Shchedrovitsky, advisor of the General Director of Russia’s state-owned Rosatom atomic energy group, said that the design of reactor of the Ninh Thuan Nuclear Power Plant satisfies the highest safety standards.

Some officials of Rosatom are now in Vietnam to discuss the next steps in Vietnam-Russia cooperation on nuclear power. They will work in Vietnam until February 11.

“Vietnam can be completely assured of Russian nuclear power safety standards. It is very difficult to have such an incident at Vietnam’s reactor like the one at Japan’s Fukushima plant,” Petr G. Shchedrovitsky affirmed.

“Russian safety standards are always stricter than international standards. Nuclear power plants built by Russia are all absolutely safe. Designs of reactors are vigilant against all possible incidents,” he stressed.

In regards to the nuclear power technology used at Vietnam’s first nuclear power plants, he said that the technology is the new one, which is used by around 80 percent of nuclear power plant projects in the world.

He said Fukushima reactor was built 40 years ago while that of Vietnam will belong to the 3+ generation.

Many Vietnamese students are now trained for nuclear power technology in Russia. Last year 19 Vietnamese students were sent to Russia and this year the number is 70.

Vietnam’s first nuclear power project will be based in Ninh Thuan province, including two turbines totaling 4,000 MW.

Construction of the first plant is scheduled to commence in 2014 and to start operational in 2020. The first plant will use Russian technology.

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